Posted: July 22nd, 2022

assignment is to develop and submit a research proposal for a theoretical dissertation as part of a postgraduate diploma.

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assignment is to develop and submit a research proposal for a theoretical dissertation as part of a postgraduate diploma.
This assignment is due for a course called Business Research Methods and evaluates
the understanding of the student on research methodology.
The assignment
includes the following sections:
· Topic overview (establish the rational for a DE&I workforce and the benefits associated with it)
· Aims and objectives of the
proposed research
· Literature review
· Conceptual Framework
· Research Paradigm and Overall
· Research Design
· Potential Outcome
· Timetable
· At least 12 citable references (Harvard Style)
topic subject is: ” Exploring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Country X’s
Pharmaceutical Sector: Assessing the Benefits and Evaluating the Implementation
of DE&I Strategies”
I can provide the following to assist with the assignment:
· The Assignment Brief
(instructions) – attached
· The Assignment Template (to be provided)
· Assignment Marking Scheme – to be provided
· Topic Worksheet – where I
explain a bit more about my chosen topic – attached
· Publication by Accenture and the
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry in the UK looking at
ED&I in the UK Pharmaceutical Workforce – attached. Without replicating exactly the
work done by these two bodies – this could inform the undertaking of similar
research in the pharmaceutical industry in my own country.
The assignment
should be typed and have the following format:
Arial font and Font size 11 or 12
· 1.5 or double line spacing
· Normal margins or wide inner
· Word documents only
· 4,000 Approx 3500-4000 words
· Due Date: July 24th, 2022 at 9:00am
assignment is worth 100% of this module (5 credits in a 60 credit course) and my goal for this assignment is to
get above 70% which is consistent with coursework and exam results and would keep
my Distinction (over 70%) grade for all my results so far. It’s very important
to be 100% plagiarism free. I am happy
to take the work that you provide and add/build on it further and have allowed
myself some time to do this in the deadline that has been provided above. The timeline is short so I would appreciate receiving the work in sections if possible.
to answer any queries.
very much,

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