Posted: October 17th, 2022

Assignment: overview short negotiation experiment and individual reflection repo

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Assignment: Overview Short Negotiation Experiment and Individual Reflection Reports Instructions and Guidelines
An important element with negotiations is understanding how our own individual negotiation styles affect our ability to be effective both in one-on-one and in group situations. As part of this course, you will be asked to conduct two short negotiation experiments that will be folded into two papers – one due by October 22nd during week 7 of the course (note that you will begin planning for this paper already as part of our week 3 discussion forum) and the other due by December 3rd during week 13 of the course (note that you will be leveraging weeks 11 and 12 to revisit your first paper and to begin planning for this second negotiation experiment and paper). The specific steps for this deliverable are as follows:
As part of this assignment, you will select and conduct two real-life negotiations that demonstrate how you have learned and applied course concepts to real-world contexts – but most importantly will show how you are improving upon the concepts learned in the course. More details are provided below and will be reinforced in class announcements.
Some examples of real-life negotiations include renegotiating a sale with a key customer, negotiating time off from work, restructuring supplier relationships, lowering the price or interest rate on a car, mortgage, or loan, negotiating your way out of a ticket, bargaining with your parents or significant other for access to the car, haggling over the price of an item at a flea market or farmer’s market, and so forth. Each experiment should be different to test out your negotiation skills.
***Note – The negotiation must be done out of good faith meaning that you actually need to engage in this negotiation. It should be robust enough so that you can write a deep enough analysis of the negotiation and specifically what you have learned.** For both negotiations, I would advise picking them with someone whom you don’t know and/or someone whom you consider difficult to test your skills. As part of your analysis – you will maintain a log of both experiments that will explain 1) why you selected this negotiating situation, 2) diagnose what kind of negotiation it is (e.g., distributive, integrative, or both – then do the same with your second experiment for the second paper on a multi-party/multi-issue with our additional topics and themes applied such as the role of ethics, cross-cultural dynamics and demographics in negotiations), 3) what made the negotiation a success and a failure in terms of its Pareto efficiency (Pareto efficiency means that you were able to maximize your value – and possible the other party), 4) what you learned from the course readings and simulations to-date that is tied to each experiment, and 5) how you developed your aspiration points and use of the BATNA. A sample case analysis and planning template is provided that you can include as an additional attachment and reference. Also, you may want to refer to Chapter 4 of your book that also outlines tips and techniques around planning a negotiation.
The outcome of these experiments and self-evaluation will result in an individual reflection report (2-3 pages Times Roman 12 font) with the first one due by October 22nd that will include the following:
1 to 1.5 pages describing your negotiation experiment (following points 1-4 from your log above)
1 to 1.5 on what you learned from the reflection and recalibration exercise in terms of communication, decision-making traps as well as conflict handling – and how you might have planned your negotiations differently; note you should be referencing the readings to show how you are applying and integrating these sources into your analytics. This should be correlated to what we have done in the schedule. Specifically for the first paper, you will want to draw and integrate from weeks 1 through four book content and online materials. For the second paper, you will revisit your first paper, and then conduct a second negotiation to see how you have improved but will also consider our course content after week 7 and with specific attention to our weeks 11 and 12 content on the role of personality, gender, and cross-cultural negotiations. Note that our discussion forums for those weeks – i.e., weeks 11 and 12 will be dedicated in part toward revisiting your paper and topics.
Again, more details will be provided about the above on the course site and in announcements. Each paper is worth 75 points each for a total of 150 points or 15% of the final course g

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