Posted: November 21st, 2022

Assignment, you will present the skills and behaviorsnecessary to practice global interconnectedness in your field of study.

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Practice global interconnectedness as it applies to your field of study.
For the Unit 6 Microsoft
assignment, you will present the skills and behaviorsnecessary to practice global interconnectedness in your field of study. Chapter 14 of the text(DuBrin, 2019) addresses the leadership challenges stemming from working in international andculturally diverse environments and how the modern leader must be multicultural becausecorporate success, profit, and growth depend increasingly on the management of a diverseworkforce.
In a 10-slide presentation, you will introduce a specific goal you have regarding globalinterconnectedness. Next, you will review Figure 14-1 of the text (DuBrin, 2019) and conductadditional research on the key dimensions of differences in cultural values; then present how aleader can use this information to become more effective. You will also conduct research oncultural intelligence including cognitive, physical, and emotional and present how a leader canuse this information to become more effective.
Then, using the results of your assessments as well as your research on the key dimensions ofdifferences in cultural values and cultural intelligence, you will analyze your current strengths andopportunities as a multicultural leader. Finally, based on your research and analysis, you willprovide specific recommendations for steps you can take to achieve your goal regarding globalinterconnectedness and when you will begin implementation of each recommendation.
Introduction section: Introduction to why it is important to be a multicultural leader and aspecific goal you have regarding global interconnectedness.
Review Figure 14-1 of the text (DuBrin, 2019) and conduct additional research on the keydimensions of differences in cultural values. Present how a leader can use this information tobecome more effective.
Conduct research on cultural intelligence including cognitive, physical, and emotional.Present how a leader can use this information to become more effective.
Complete the Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz 14-1: The Charting Your Cultural ValueProfile and Quiz 14-2: My Tolerance for Cultural Differences.
Briefly share what you learned from the assessments. Using your research on the keydimensions of differences in cultural values and cultural intelligence, analyze your currentstrengths and opportunities as a multicultural leader.
Based on your research and analysis, provide specific recommendations for steps you cantake to achieve your goal regarding global interconnectedness and when you will beginimplementation of each recommendation.
Provide a conclusion that inspires a call to action and seeks support for yourrecommendations.
Ensure substantive integration of appropriate, current, and reliable resources — including in-text citations throughout the notes with a corresponding item on the reference list. Aminimum of two viable sources are required (no older than 3 years).
Presentation quality: Your presentation should be spell and grammar-checked anddemonstrate correct mechanics and appropriate writing and presentation style. The use of aprofessional template, graphics, and SmartArt
are necessary to make it visually appealing.Ensure each slide is streamlined and easily viewed in a large setting (i.e., 24 or 28-pointfont).
Submit the
assignment to Unit 6: Assignment
Dropbox. This assignment is due by the end ofUnit 6 — Tuesday, 11:59 p.m. ET.
Order of presentation:
Title Slide
Research and findings on key dimensions of differences in cultural values
Research and findings on cultural intelligence
Analysis your current strengths and opportunities as a multicultural leader
Recommendations to achieve your goal regarding global interconnectedness
Call to action

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