Posted: November 7th, 2022

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You will choose a publicly traded company (Nike and tide) that you will focus on for this assignment. Explain your rationale for choosing this brand; include the history and background of your brand, then use the lessons from the class to curate your final assignment. The focus of the assignment is the relationship between the customer and the brand. The next step is to identify a brand collaboration. A “collab” between two brands creates greater awareness for the brand and brand heat! The team MUST also think about the “white space” opportunity! What is your “white space” from this collaboration? Achieving the “white space” strategy is the key to creating hype! That’s what we’re after as part of the customer journey! You will then wrap up this part of the assignment by sharing how your brand uses factors to engage consumers through The Experience Economy. Points 1-14 must be completed with the submission of your assignment: Include a table of contents (This does not count against the 4-pages) The cover page, reference page(s), and appendix do not count against the 4-pages for this paper. 1. Executive Summary: Think about the executive you are pitching this to. What would he/she want to know right away? 2. Identify A Brand Collaboration 3. Why this Brand for the Collaboration? 4. Brand History (the 2 brands that you have choosen) 5. Segmentation (collaboration brand) 6. Target Market (collaboration brand) 7. Personas (3 personas must be created for the brand collaboration) As stated in class you can type out a short statement in the paper about your personas. The persona with the picture and all of the specific details of the persona can be included in the paper as part of the appendix. 8. Positioning 9. Perceptual Mapping for the brand collaboration 10. What is the “white space” you are fulfilling? (Think about the hype factor) But remember to always validate your thoughts. 11. Brand Collaboration Strategy & Execution Points
(This includes sales tactics) For example- social media, stores, e-comm. Etc….. 12. Persuading Consumers Through The Experience Economy –
what type of experiences will your team provide for the customer? 13. Conclusion
A summary of your key points 14. Contact Page -This page will contain all of your contact information and a professional picture of yourself. This is the last page after the reference page. Execution Points: The importance of self-produced video presentations has been heightened because of the pandemic and has become an essential tool for marketing professionals. Therefore, this assignment will be presented as a PPTX or CANVA with an embedded video. Microsoft Word Document:
You will provide all of your research and explanations on a Microsoft Word Document that must also be submitted.
You are required to use APA in-text citation and referencing in your submission. Incorrect APA use or a Turn It In similarity score of 15% or higher will be flagged and reviewed for plagiarism by the Academic Integrity Committee (AIC). Requirements: 1. Your submission can be no longer than 4-pages single-spaced typed Microsoft Word document using Times New Roman 12-point font ONLY.
2. You may not exceed 4 pages, anything longer will not be graded. This page limit does not include your cover page, reference page, and the appendix.
3. Assignments submitted using Apple’s Pages will NOT be accepted and will earn a zero (0). Only Microsoft Word files will be accepted. If you are including any type of visuals as part of the appendix. Please PDF the paper when you submit the assignment. 4. Use sub-headers and bullet points to break out your topics.

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