Posted: September 8th, 2022

Assume that the jurisdiction does not recognize the assumption of risk or contributory negligence. The jurisdiction does recognize the defense of comparative negligence. Explain comparative negligence and how it applies to this case.

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W3 Assignment: Negligence The body of the paper must be 500-750 words (approximately two to three pages) using Microsoft Word. Word count/number of pages does NOT include a title page, references, etc.
Use APA format; include a title and references page. Use Times New Roman font size 12 and one-inch margins
Must be submitted as an MS Word document
Include a title page and reference page (not included in word count)
Use at least two references.
Look at the situation below and then answer the questions DO NOT ADD the questions into the paper the situation/questions are separate from the essay. Situation: James, not paying attention as he entered the Savings Bank because he was looking at his phone, fell and sustained injuries of $5,000. Because of the injuries James decided to sue the Savings Bank. The janitor, who needed special supervision for his work due to his recent employment of 2 days, had recently buffed the floor. However, the manager wasn’t observing him and failed to notice that he had carelessly used 2 times the amount of floor wax. Answer the following questions in paragraph form. (1) Is the bank liable for the janitor’s negligence? (Be sure to describe all the elements of negligence (4). (2) What defenses will the bank assert?
(3) Assume that the jurisdiction does not recognize the assumption of risk or contributory negligence. The jurisdiction does recognize the defense of comparative negligence. Explain comparative negligence and how it applies to this case. Do NOT key in the scenario as part of your answer!

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