Posted: May 9th, 2022

Assume the role of a consultant or sustainability director for an organization

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Assume the role of a consultant or sustainability director for an
• Assess the organization’s accomplishments toward sustainability
goals, relative to its peers (three comparable organizations)
• Make recommendations for forwarding actions to advance
• Support your recommendations by references to (1) best practices;
(2) trends; (3) impending regulation; (4) stakeholder pressure; etc.
• Use the tools discussed in the classroom:
•SWOT analysis
•Stakeholder mapping
•Materiality assessment
•Marketing plan
➢Target market
➢New or modified products/services
Suggested format:
➢ Executive Summary
➢ Background (of industry, of firm)
➢ The current state of sustainability for industry, for company, for competitors
➢ Recommendations
– Stakeholder mapping
– Materiality
– Trends analysis
– Consider
Which framework and standards the firm and competitors are using?
how long have they been reporting on a metric?
how are they addressing progress or gaps?
Business case
– New product, business, report?
• Support with marketing plan
• Stakeholder engagement strategy
• Long term strategy
• How does this support SDGs?
Possible recommendations
what are their peers addressing that this company is not?
Are there any SDGs that they can target?
Are there underserved markets?
any ESG issues that are emerging? etc.

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