Posted: September 1st, 2022

Assume the role of the business unit manager with overall responsibility for the outsourced function(s) of your company.

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Assume the role of the business unit manager with overall responsibility for the outsourced function(s) of your company. Create a case analysis for the Chief Operating Officer (COO) that critically evaluates a previous decision to outsource or provide a rationale to consider outsourcing. Be sure to structure your paper in a way that clearly addresses the following five elements:
Introduction – Summarize the internal and external factors leading to the firm’s decision to outsource the function(s) offshore. Remember, this exercise offers you the opportunity to demonstrate a high level of critical thinking in all aspects of the assignment.
Literature Review – Identify a published opinion that substantiates your support of the decision to outsource.
Analysis – Review the decision to outsource the function offshore. Discuss potential long-term impacts of this outsourcing decision, including the impact on employees based in the U.S., quality of the outsourced product(s), and company sales, profit, and reputation.
Synthesis – Identify and recommend strategies to move the company not only to a position of maintaining current levels of quality and sales but toward improvements in each of these measures of success.
Conclusion –Summarize the essence of the information discussed and recommend solutions that incorporate the outsourcing decision into an overall successful corporate strategy for sustainability and implementation.
Length: 3-5 pages, excluding the cover sheet, title page, and references
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources published within the last 5 years.

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