Posted: September 8th, 2022

Assume you are a senior manager in an automobile company. Your company is considering whether to invest in production facilities in either China, Russia, or Germany. These production facilities will serve local market demand. Consider benefits, costs, and risks associated with doing business in each nation. Which country seems the most attractive target for foreign direct investment?

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Assume you are a senior manager in an automobile company. Your company is considering whether to invest in production facilities in either China, Russia, or Germany. These production facilities will serve local market demand. Consider benefits, costs, and risks associated with doing business in each nation. Which country seems the most attractive target for foreign direct investment? Why did you select the country that you did? Support your answer. PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS TO WRITE THE ESSAY 01) Readings: – TEXTBOOK – International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace (attached)
Chapter 3: National Differences in Economic Development Chapter 4: Differences in Culture 02) Videos: Globalization and culture >>
Globalization & Company Culture: Respect For Diversity >>
03) Website: Global economy projected to show fastest growth in 50 years >>
globalEDGE. By Country >>
APA 7 Format
At least:
– 1 page
– 4 sources

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