Posted: June 3rd, 2022

Balogun and Hailey’s Change Model

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three specific types of change: Developmental Change, Transitional Change, and Transformational Change. These change types can be seen in various change models that have been developed over the years.
Select one of the following change models:
Dunphy and Stace’s Four Levels of Change
Balogun and Hailey’s Change Model
Proactive vs. Reactive Changes
Strategic Change versus Tactical Change
Tichy’s 3 Types of Change
Provide a detailed and supported analysis of the model. Describe how the model relates to the types of change defined by Ackerman & Anderson. Explain how the model might be used during an organizational change.
Do not simply quote the text definition of the model. Use your knowledge to explain the model and use the text to support your work. Include one scholarly resource in addition to the text.

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