Posted: January 21st, 2023

based on the materials, answer these two questions materials link:https://medlin

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based on the materials, answer these two questions
materials link:…
1. Heritable Germline Editing and the issues with the first CRISPR Babies: The announcement of the birth of the first CRISPR-edited human babies born sparked a world-wide outcry. Based on the material this week, was this warranted? Why or why not? Support your arguments with material from Human Genome Editing: Ethics and Governance, and draw from the scientific presentation of CRISPR. (300words)
2. Bioethics of the He controversy: Based on the 4 principles of biomedical ethics (autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice), where did He specifically fail? If there are more than one principles that failed, which was the worst, or are they all equivalent? ( 300words)

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