Posted: September 20th, 2022

Be sure to use a size 12 serif (e.g., times new roman) font with one-inch margins on all four sides.

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As this is an academic exercise, so you are not allowed to write in first-person (i.e. I, me, we, our). Be sure to use a size 12 Serif (e.g., Times New Roman) font with one-inch margins on all four sides. Your finished paper will be between 3.5 and 5 pages in length using APA format.
This assignment should have at least four sections. These include an introduction and a conclusion. One section should focus on what the topic means to employees and the second is how it benefits organizations. This may be a specific organization or industry or may be written to apply to all organizations. ( my current profession is parks and recreation)
This paper will be graded based on (1) comprehensiveness and accuracy of course concept applications, (2) breadth and depth reflection, (3) writing quality, and (4) formatting. Frequent and thorough use and citation of relevant course material (course materials and notes) are the most important consideration in obtaining a high grade.
A full credit paper addresses all aspects of the assignment clearly and specifically. This paper explicitly demonstrates frequent and thorough use (and citation) of relevant course material. It is a well-organized, detailed, and well-written essay (including proper grammar, syntax, spelling, etc.). It is insightful, demonstrates mastery of both content and expression, and demonstrates high-level analysis. The three sections are clearly separated.
An 80% credit paper is a well-handled response to the assignment but weak in some aspects. For example, it may be lacking in terms of frequent and thorough use of relevant course material, it may slight one or two of the parts (e.g., one or two sections are not adequately covered), it may not be clearly organized, or it may have some inconsistencies in expression, such as grammatical or mechanical errors (e.g., lack of paragraph indents, use of long paragraphs with multiple topics, and use of contractions). It may be under 2.5 or over 5 pages in length. Analysis and insight are evident, but not as well developed.
A 60% credit paper is minimally competent but deficient in either content or expression. It might be descriptive with little or no analysis or use of course content; it might be general or superficial, or it might have sufficient errors in the mechanics and/or writing to interfere with the reader’s understanding. It may be written in a first-person perspective. One or more sections may be significantly underdeveloped. It may also be significantly under 2.5 or over 5 pages in length and not cite course readings.
A zero (0%) paper has serious weaknesses in both content and expression, such as major difficulties in development (details), structure (organization and transactions), or mechanics (syntax, spelling, punctuation, grammar). One of the sections may be significantly underdeveloped, or one may be the focus of the paper.

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