Posted: September 9th, 2022

Blog entries aim to enhance your appreciation of the topic while developing crit

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Blog entries aim to enhance your appreciation of the topic while developing critical thinking skills using the analysis of an authentic real-world event or project.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ( states that its role is as the “principal fact-finding agency for the federal government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.” And the data that the bureau provides via its website are available to anyone, free. This can represent a treasure trove of business intelligence and data mining for those who take advantage of this resource. Visit the web- site What type of information does the site provide? What information do you find most useful? What sort of information concerning employment and wages is available? How is this information categorized? How would this type of information be helpful to a business manager? What type of demographic information is available? How could this benefit a new start-up business? Share your thoughts using approximately 150-300 words.

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