Posted: September 19th, 2022

Brandenburger, 2019, to change the way you think, change the way you see (hbr) 3.

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Reflection 2: Are hidden assumptions and institutions good or bad? Why do they so often remain “hidden”, and why can it be challenging to escape them? What is one implication of this for entrepreneurship, society, or the economy?
this is the assignment
“Are hidden assumptions and institutions good or bad? Why do they so often remain “hidden”, and why can it be challenging to escape them? What is one implication of this for entrepreneurship, society, or the economy?
Your response should reflect a clear and correct understanding of course concepts, including those from last week’s readings and class discussion. You are welcome to refer to your notes and materials. Please make sure to answer all parts of the prompt!
Please limit your response to approximately 500 words.”
Gavetti, 2011, The new psychology of strategic leadership (HBR)
2. Brandenburger, 2019, To change the way you think, change the way you see (HBR)
3. Hackaday, 2021, Weren’t we supposed to live in plastic houses?
so i’ll just send you the links

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