Posted: May 28th, 2022

Branding is an important component of marketing a product and/or service. Identify a well-known public figure and discuss his or her brand. How has this individual enhanced this brand?

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Branding is an important component of marketing a product and/or service. Identify a well-known public figure and discuss his or her brand. How has this individual enhanced this brand? How has he or she damaged it? Based on your understanding of the chapter readings, how would you explain the impact of having a negative or positive brand image?
You must demonstrate not only that you understand the subject matter but also that you can apply what you have learned, analyze it, integrate it with knowledge you already have, and evaluate it critically. Your postings should be appropriate and timely contributions that add value to the discussion. If you post after the due dates, the post will not be counted. You must reply to at least two of your peers to get full credit for the discussion.

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