Posted: August 16th, 2022

Briefly describe an organization that you are/have been involved in. Evaluate the culture of the organization.

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This assignment is designed to assist you in applying the concepts learned in this course.
Briefly describe an organization that you are/have been involved in.
Evaluate the culture of the organization.
Evaluate the leadership style of the leader in that organization you are most familiar with.
Describe a change or addition to the current strategic plan of the organization that you think would improve its performance. For example: Increasing the culture of patient safety within the organization or the organization becoming more involved in the community it serves. Your strategic plan goal should be measurable.
Considering the culture and leadership of the organization, utilize the change process to implement the change. Make sure you include how you would evaluate the change.
The paper should:
Be approximately 6-8 pages long, double-spaced (1500-2000 words)
Include a title and reference page – not included in the page count
Exclude sources older than 5 years
Include 5-6 sources from the required readings and/or scholarly sources
Text book being used for the class is : Hitt, M.A., Colella, A., Miller, C. & Triana, M. (2018). Organizational behavior. (5th ed.). Wiley Publishing.
Organizationations I have worked for : Kids in Distress- foster care casemanager
Office Manager of a physical therapty practice
It is a Heatlh care related class. So feel free to pick anything honestly.

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