Posted: February 23rd, 2022

Briefly describe the context of your interaction with the client from your Initial Biopsychosocial Assessment Video.

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Use the following guidelines to write your 5-8 page (not including the title and reference pages) paper:Briefly describe the context of your interaction with the client from your Initial Biopsychosocial Assessment Video.
Give a description of the client and presenting problem, including age, sex, and racial/ethnic background. Remember to give precipitating event, history of presenting problems, history of client systems including family background and vocational/educational background, environmental influences (informal and formal supports), and history of present problem. Specify client’s strengths, challenges, and motivation. The specific details of your client – identifying data – should not contain any information that would allow peers to identify a specific person. Think of the identifying data as an opportunity to be creative and come up with a mock-client.
Transition from your description of the presenting problem to identification of target problems for intervention planning. Incorporate the phases and dynamics of the treatment process. Incorporate the phases and dynamics of the treatment process. Give your hypothesis of why the problems are occurring and identify relevant goals to resolve the target problems you’ve identified. For example, how do you explain what is happening for the client? You can draw on theories, models, or perspectives, including ones that you’ve learned in other classes (e.g., Erikson’s psychosocial development theory, social learning theory, systems theories, et al.).
Describe the process and skills of engagement and assessment that set the stage for intervention planning. Analyze your interview segment by discussing specific engagement and assessment skills that you applied and noting the client’s response to each of the interviewing skills. Assess which skills and use of self were effective in facilitating the assessment and engagement phase. In retrospect, would you change your strategy?
Address possible trauma-related experiences and how they have impacted the client. How would you address these issues in treatment?
Address diversity and ethical issues encountered in your work with the client. If you didn’t encounter any specific issues in this regard, address potential issues that could come up in this interaction. (For ethical issues, make sure to cite and reference the NASW Code of Ethics.)
Comment on your comfort and discomfort levels throughout the interview. For example, did specific skills feel difficult or easy to apply with this particular client situation? What did you learn about your own interviewing style that you would like to develop or modify?
Provide an annotated bibliography of one article: Select and critique one (1) new relevant research article that informs practice intervention with the client. Use APA style.
Requirements: 5 pages   |   .doc file

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