Posted: July 11th, 2022

Building and Leading High Performance Teams

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Read the following articles about building and leading effective teams:
Building and Leading High Performance Teams
Building Effective Teams Isn’t Rocket Science, but It’s Just as Hard (Note: This article can only be accessed a limited number of times.)
Managing groups and teams is an essential element of the leading facet of the P-O-L-C framework. As you read these articles, reflect on your experience working in groups and teams, and then address the following prompts:
Think about a positive experience when you worked in a group or team and identify the principles that were presented in the articles that were exhibited by your group or team. Explain how these principles helped the group or team succeed.
Think about a negative experience when you worked in a group or team and identify which principles from the articles were lacking. Explain how the lack of these principles led to poor performance of the group or team.
If you were the manager of that group or team, how would you correct the issues that caused the poor performance? Consider the material from this module and in the articles.
Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins and APA formatting.

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