Posted: September 16th, 2022

Business impact metrics.

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You are the HR Director for a firm of 1250 employees. 250 employees are under a Union CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement). The firm currently uses data analytics in its supply chain and now the CEO has tasked you with coming up with two ideas for using analytics from a workforce perspective. You are expected to present your two ideas to the strategic leadership team to review. All employees are located in the United States and not in California.
A narrative explaining the purpose of the assignment. Introduce the two proposal projects at a high level.
Section 1. Proposed Project 1
Explain the workforce area you chose to present by highlighting the investment.
Hypothesis/business question. This is an “If…then” statement so that there are 2 distinct values to be captured for analysis.
Identify the Leading indicator(s). These need to be specific and include a % or value expected to change (refer to the textbook).
Business impact metrics. These need to link back to the Leading Indicators.
Section 2. Proposed Project 2
Explain the workforce area you chose to present by highlighting the investment.
Hypothesis/business question. This is an “If…then” statement so that there are 2 distinct values to be captured for analysis.
Identify the Leading indicator(s). These need to be specific and include a % or value expected to change (refer to the textbook).
Business impact metrics. These need to link back to the Leading Indicators.
Section 3. Champion one of the proposed projects.
Conclusion: A narrative where you self-reflect on the assignment and what you learned.
Use APA Style.

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