Posted: March 2nd, 2022

“Business” in the 10-K. Describe two products or services that are either explicitly described as joint products, or that you believe are likely to be joint products

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn.3. (up to 500 word) Read Item 1 “Business” in the 10-K. Describe two products or services that are either explicitly described as joint products, or that you believe are likely to be joint products. Explain what you think the split-off point would be and which method should be used to allocate the joint costs.You may speculate if there is no information in your 10-K but your examples should make sense for your company. Provide explanations as needed.Tip : If joint products are not mentioned, consider some of the products/services the firm provides. It does not have to be complicated, simple examples are fine.Access the SEC file of the company here…
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