Posted: July 16th, 2022

Business intelligence software plays an important role in the data analysis industry. It helps clean, organize, format, and analyze large amounts of data. It also plays an increasingly significant role in the creation of data visualizations and dashboards for a variety of industries

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Business intelligence software plays an important role in the data analysis industry. It helps clean, organize, format, and analyze large amounts of data. It also plays an increasingly significant role in the creation of data visualizations and dashboards for a variety of industries. In this assignment, you may choose to utilize software to create a dashboard.
For this assignment, you are a new manager of a team of data analysts and data visual designers at a polling organization that tracks worldwide views on topics. You have been tasked with creating a new dashboard that compares international viewpoints on a topic of your choosing. Your dashboard should include at least 4 data visualizations. You will need to research your topic to find data that you want to present in your data visualizations.
In addition to your dashboard, you should include a 700- to 850-word paper that discusses your dashboard. It should do the following:
Describe how you created your dashboard, including any software you utilized.
Describe the audience for your dashboard.
Discuss your dashboard’s intended message.
Discuss the story you are trying to tell with your dashboard.
Cite all sources and graphics according to APA formatting guidelines.

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