Posted: July 6th, 2022

Business Technology Analysis and Web Planning

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Part Five
Assignment – Business Technology Analysis and Web Planning
This Assignment will develop the technology analysis and web analysis of the business idea. You will use all your past knowledge, skills, and abilities generated in Technology (Business and Management).
You will create a Technology and Web Plan for your new business idea for a (1) new product or service development, (2) market a new business initiative, or (3) strategies to solve a problem with a current organization. *Consider Technology implications during this course for your business idea. Describe the Technology Plan of your new or existing company idea. The assignment should be written in the following order: A. Title Page (include your name, your company’s name, class name, professor, and date) B. Technology Planning. Describe the technology (products or services) and provide details about the key issues when you chose the technology (Choose at least four (4) items of technology in your written section i.e. Facebook page, Cell phones, Wi-Fi, Laptops, Servers, Instagram etc.). C. Technology Cost Plan. Describe the cost of your business technology over the next one (1) to three (3) years. *It is important to use real numbers when creating the cost plan. Describe the cost plan in a detailed written analysis for each year.
See the Content area for Technology plans.
(Use your Technology classes information for these sections. Review your textbooks and past assignments for details and what should be included in each section.) D. Reference Page in the APA format. E. Appendix Page in the APA format.
NOTE: Your Technology Analysis should be detailed and original. Write the Technology Analysis in the APA format (with subheaders) and only include information from the instructions. Assignment requirements The assignment should be written properly. It must be error and grammar free. The business Technology Analysis and cost should be original and the same business idea should be used in the weekly assignments.
Part Six
Assignment – Business Human Resources Capital and Organizational Plan
This Assignment will develop the human resource capital of the business idea. You will use all your past knowledge, skills, and abilities generated in your Management/Leadership and Human Resources (Business and Management).
You will develop a Human Resources Capital Plan and a long term Organizational Plan for your new business idea for a (1) new product or service development, (2) market a new business initiative, or (3) strategies to solve a problem with a current organization. *Consider Human Resources criteria implications during this assignment for your business idea. Develop the Human Resources Capital and long term Organizational Plan of your new business idea. The assignment should be written in the following order: A. Title Page (include your name, your company’s name, class name, professor, and date) B. Organizational Chart. Create the organizational chart for your business. NOTE: The chart must be in the Appendix section of your Assignment.
C. Human Resources Capital Plan. Describe a description of your organizational chart positions and provide written details about the positions include – Job Title, Job Description, Job Specifications, and Job Compensation and Benefits. Describe in detail how these positions will perform your business idea. (Use one or more of the following resources:,,, or other novel websites to support your findings in your written section). NOTE: APA requires all resources to be cited properly.
D. Organizational Plan. Describe the 5-year plan of your Organizational Plan in two (2) of human resources. Organizational Plan Ideas may include 2 item below or other you choose: Health and Safety (COVID-19) Employee Plan
Training and Development Opportunity Plan
Employee Union Support and Collaboration Plan
Family Medical and Leave Act (FMLA) Comprehensive Plan
Employee Recovery Plan from (Layoffs Downsizing Rightsizing) Plan
Employee Opportunity Plan including Education, Savings and Retirement Plan
Diversity and Inclusion Incentive Plan. See Content area for additional Human Resources information.
Use your Human Resources and Management/Leadership classes information for these sections. Review in your textbooks and past assignments for details and what should be included in each section. D. Reference Page in the APA format. F. Appendix Page in the APA format.
NOTE: Your Human Resources Capital and Organizational Plan should be detailed and original. Write in the APA format (with subheaders, references, and Appendix) and only include information from the instructions. Assignment requirements The assignment should be written properly. It must be error and grammar free. The human resources capital and organizational plan should be original and the business idea should be used in weekly assignments.

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