Posted: September 20th, 2022

But all homework must be submitted in english.

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Review the Instructions tab. You must put your identification as indicated there. You must show your work and all formulas must be present in cells where needed. You should answer all questions on the attached tabs. Make a copy of the Question tab, rename it to answers (e.g. Q1 tab copied becomes Q1 Answers tab), fill in your answers on the copied tab, then color it blue and position it after the original question tab. If you choose not to answer a question, rename the tab “Q_ Skipped.” Exceptionally neat and stylistic clarity will make your homework eligible for up to 20% extra credit. You may also earn extra credit by completing extra credit questions that are labled “Extra Credit.” No credit for late work. Some students from other countries have sometimes submitted their home work in their home language, e.g. Chinese characters. But all homework must be submitted in English.

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