Posted: February 12th, 2022

c++ project

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This week you will continue to work on the 3D scene you already began to build, based on a 2D image you previously selected. At this point you should already have one complex object, a plane to orient the 3D world, and camera navigation applied to the scene. Now it is time to incorporate texture to create more detail and realism so the objects in your scene will start to look more like their real-life counterparts.PromptYou will complete your work in Visual Studio, being sure to work from the project file you already began to create in prior milestones. This file has the libraries set up correctly and contains the 3D objects you built, which will be necessary for you to add to this week.Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:Apply texture to create a detailed appearance for a 3D object. Select the complex object in your scene (the one that uses two or more shapes to create a single object) and determine what image files you should use to render it in 3D. You may wish to approach this realistically or take some artistic license to create something more creative. Refer to the Sourcing Textures Tutorial, linked in this week’s Resources section, to ensure the textures you select are free and open source. As you work, manipulate your texture to ensure it is not too stretched or too small to match the object. Pay particular attention to the resolution of the image you choose to use so that it does not appear too pixelated for the object. However, you will also not want the image to be too large so that it will take a long time to render. Continue to check your work by running the code and viewing how the texture has been applied to the object.Apply a complex texturing technique to a 3D shape. Depending on what makes the most sense for your scene, either tile a texture or overlap two images on top of one another for one of the shapes in your complex object. The selected technique should be used to add detail to your scene in a particularly unique or interesting way.Create a cohesive object using different textures on individual 3D shapes. Because your 3D object is made of two or more 3D shapes arranged in relation to one another, you will need to orient the textures in relation to one another. Think about what different image files you may want to use in order to emphasize the different components of the object overall.Create code that follows a logical flow without syntax errors. The code you create has to be executable and all the code that is included needs to be reached by the execution. Note that not everything should be written in a single function and your work should be well-modularized.Apply coding best practices in your creations. Pay particular attention to the way you format and comment your code. Program code should be easy to read and follow industry standard code formatting practices, such as indentation and spacing. Commenting best practices should be in place to ensure the source code is briefly and clearly explained using descriptive comments.Guidelines for SubmissionSubmit a completed ZIP folder with all of your code, which may include one or multiple CPP files along with Visual Studio project files. Also make sure the ZIP folder includes an EXE file, because without this your code will not be able to run. Checking for the EXE can be used as a quick reference on the functionality of your code before you submit.USE THE FILE I SUBMITTED AND ALSO USE A CPP FILE AND I NEEDED IN OPENGL.
Requirements: few lines of code

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