Posted: July 22nd, 2022

Cal Newport, computer scientist and author, blames open-office layouts and relentless collaboration for decline in concentrated deep thinking, he cites research suggesting that even short interruptions efficiency because of “attention residue”. Ans the mind turns to a new task; it is still thinking about the old task. Are you easily distracted?

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Answer the following Critical Thinking / Questions from your textbook 1 and 2
Cal Newport, computer scientist and author, blames
open-office layouts and relentless collaboration for decline in concentrated deep
thinking, he cites research suggesting that even short interruptions efficiency
because of “attention residue”. Ans the mind turns to a new task; it is still
thinking about the old task. Are you easily distracted? What techniques help
you concentrate?
Evaluate the following humorous analogy between
the murder of a famous roman emperor and the deadening effect of meeting: “This
month is the 2053rd anniversary of the death of Julius Caesar, who
pronounced himself dictator for life before running the idea past the Roman Senate.
On his way to a meeting, he was met by a group of senators who, wishing to
express their unhappiness with his vocational aspiration, stabbed him to death,
moral of the story: Beware of meetings” Is the comparison fitting? What might
the author of the article have wanted to convey?
Note/ Write a short (half page) essay per question and structured (use the file document MSW to submit your answers), and be sure that the writing text for this assignment meets the APA format requirements and if a source of reference is used to answer the assignment it should be referenced APA as well with the in-text..
You will be graded on the following:
Writing Volume (Half a page per answer) = 2 pts
APA Formatting (Running head, page numbering, line spacing, font style and size, paragraphs indents, referencing, in-text referencing) = 3 pts

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