American History

Develop a three-page paper that highlights and summarizes the content of the chapter and explain in detail how the content benefits U.S. citizens.

READ EACH CHAPTER THEN WRITE A 3 PAGER REFLECTIVE SUMMARY FOR EACH CHAPTER. CHAPTERS 9, 10, 11, AND 12 SO A TOTAL OF 12 PAGES SEE GUIDELINES BELOW Reflection Paper Instructions: Develop a three-page paper that highlights and summarizes the content of the chapter and explain in detail how the content benefits U.S. citizens. Guidelines […]

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Date: June 11th, 2022

I need an essay about a local issue, how the local government plays a role, why it is an important issue and what suggestions do you have on how the issue could be resolved

I need an essay about a local issue, how the local government plays a role, why it is an important issue and what suggestions do you have on how the issue could be resolved. Essay must be about 6 paragraphs with a reference page of 5 references. I already chose the topic which is the […]

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Date: June 11th, 2022

Identify and explain the Bill of Rights

Answer both of the following short identification prompts. Each will be scored on a 0-10 scale, for a possible total of 20 on this assignment. 1) Identify and explain the Bill of Rights 2) Identify and explain the origin and meaning of the term “Manifest Destiny” Remember a short ID question requires a written response, […]

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Date: June 11th, 2022

The Compromise of 1850 was the last great compromise. Why did the nation need a compromise? Who sparked the debate that led to the compromise, and how

The Compromise of 1850 was the last great compromise. Why did the nation need a compromise? Who sparked the debate that led to the compromise, and how? What were the final terms of the Compromise? Did the North or South gain more in the deal? This essay prompt requires a long-form written response, using complete […]

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Date: June 11th, 2022

Explain the first party system of the United States.

Explain the first party system of the United States. What concerns and differences spurred the creation of these parties? Whose leadership shaped each party? How does each party’s ideals reflect on competing views of what the U.S. was and would become? This essay prompt requires a long-form written response, using complete sentences and appropriate grammar […]

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Date: June 11th, 2022

Some people argue that there are no significant differences between the two major parties. Backing up your perspective with appropriate sources, what are the major differences and similarities in the views of the Democratic and Republican parties (e.g., this review of party platforms, 1856-2016

Instructions: This essay is comprised of two components. The essay must be at least 1000 words overall. Please include a works cited page as well. Part One: Begin by completing the following political ideology quizzes: Advocates for Self Government a libertarian website: Pew Research Center for People & the Press: Next, analyze the […]

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Date: June 10th, 2022

In this discussion, students will analyze the methods of Union General William Tecumseh Sherman. Sherman’s techniques are still quite controversial today. Additionally, one can argue that his techniques served as a foreshadowing of future conflicts, such as World War I and II, in which all sides deliberately targeted civilians in an effort to break their opponents’ resolve.

In this discussion, students will analyze the methods of Union General William Tecumseh Sherman. Sherman’s techniques are still quite controversial today. Additionally, one can argue that his techniques served as a foreshadowing of future conflicts, such as World War I and II, in which all sides deliberately targeted civilians in an effort to break their […]

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Date: June 10th, 2022