
Choose and describe a standing example of historic architecture.

VIEW ATTACHMENTS FOR CLEAR DIRECTIONS !!!!! AND RESOURCES PROVIDED. Choose and describe a standing example of historic architecture. selection should be a historic structure in the United States (e.g., house, church, government building, etc., generally over a century old or more) that is currently extant. Make sure that your choice is a building, not a […]

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Date: September 29th, 2022

Using the model of an iceberg, as if you were an anthropologist, write about your favorite food OR dress (its visible and invisible characteristics).

Using the model of an iceberg, as if you were an anthropologist, write about your favorite food OR dress (its visible and invisible characteristics). Using the emic and etic perspectives, explain in detail the cultural context of this food OR dress – the underlying symbolism and beliefs, it’s regional importance, ethnic and family significance. Use […]

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Date: September 28th, 2022

Read coqueugniot et al. 2014 (you can read the introduction section and then probably skip over other sections (although note the pictures) to the discussion section of the article, if you want to).

Read Coqueugniot et al. 2014 (you can read the Introduction section and then probably skip over other sections (although note the pictures) to the Discussion section of the article, if you want to). Discuss Qafzeh 11 and the articles implications; speculate regarding his/her daily social interactions in his/her household and community setting.

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Date: September 28th, 2022

cite: Murray, M., Kleinman, A., & Watson, J. L. (2006). Sars in China: Prelude to pandemic? Stanford University Press.

we have covered broader socio-economic and political changes brought about by the SARS epidemic in the early 2000s and COVID-19s in the 2020s. select ONE key similarity and ONE key difference in how governments across the world, including China and the U.S., handled these contagious diseases. You will need to address how ordinances and policies […]

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Date: September 28th, 2022

On page 18 in the textbook in the box titled “Applying Anthropology to the Field of Economic Development” is a description of how an anthropologist was able to impact the people in Indonesia. Write an essay about how each of the four guiding principles of anthropology would be useful for her work. In your opinion, how might the outcomes be different if she were not to apply these principles.

Hide Assignment Information Instructions Answer the two essay questions in one PDF file then upload and submit it. Essay #1 On page 18 in the textbook in the box titled “Applying Anthropology to the Field of Economic Development” is a description of how an anthropologist was able to impact the people in Indonesia. Write an […]

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Date: September 27th, 2022

The essay needs to be approximately 1 page (10 font) and 1” margins).

(In the header section, type a creative title on the left side of page (highlighted) and your name on the right side of page. The essay needs to be approximately 1 page (10 font) and 1” margins). Divide each section into paragraphs. 1. Describe a personal example of ethnocentrism that you have experienced, witnessed learned […]

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Date: September 24th, 2022

Draw a map of your room.

Read Chapter 3, Eating Christmas in the Kalahari and Lessons from Field. Draw a map of your room. Write a 300-word explanation of what your room says about who you are. Are there items that indicate your sex or gender, your age, or your marital status?

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Date: September 24th, 2022

Bonus point: provide an example of something that can be considered both emically and etically (that is not from the book).

Answer the following 3 questions either in the text box provided, or in a Microsoft Word .doc. Each question is worth 10 points – the more substantial your answers, the greater the points you will receive. Make sure to write the question above each response. 1. Discuss the differences between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Use […]

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Date: September 24th, 2022

Based on symbols

Culture is… “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” Sir Edward Tylor, 1871 Characteristics of culture: Shared Learned Based on symbols Integrated/Patterned Dynamic From the video clip, “500 Nations VIII, Attack on a Culture”, identify and label […]

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Date: September 23rd, 2022