Requirements for revision/ corrections: Is it possible to make it more descriiptive much like the example essay I sent. Bringing yourself in as a story. I really like the use of the sources but it needs to be descriiptive as it is an experiment, much like SO100 Example essay. The topic there is different though. […]
Culture paper – Manchu culture is the topic I choose to do my research -MLA double space 12 pt -times new Romain -Separate page for work cited – The list is here follow the rules Each student will select a specific culture and write a minimum 5-page paper (double spaced, 12pt., Times New Roman) describing […]
In our course we have set out from the study of biological evolution and understood humans as bio-cultural beings. Remember the three tenets of Darwin’s theory of natural selection that we discussed in week 2: • There exists heritable variation between individuals in any population. • The nature of the environment causes some individuals to […]
ANTH 1102 Instructor: Jason González ] Archaeology Project: Website Archaeology Introduction: You recently graduated from the University of Georgia, Department of Anthropology with a certificate in Archaeology. You find a job with the Archaeology Conservancy in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Conservancy has been acquiring and protecting archaeological sites in the United States for nearly 30 […]
Write a research paper including the following elements: There is a clear and provable thesis or argument in the first paragraph. Thesis is supported in the body of the paper and by evidence from other sources. Analysis is presented logically. There is a clear introduction and conclusion. The body of the paper should be 5 […]
THIS PAPER should not be more about marijuana, etc it should be a paper assessing the accuracy of information about drugs on the internet. Remember, the paper is not about the drug, but a critical look at how the internet provides information about drugs. So, you should write in that context. That should be the […]
Paper goes through 6 structures such as military, religion, marriage, art, politics, economic, etc. pertaining to the hellenistic period. Must include 10 scholarly references. Outline of the structures and which sources are being used to discuss the structure
“From what you can tell from the readings, are the women of the !Kung oppressed or controlled by men? Are the men “dominated” by the women? Why/how?” need to use the chapters about the Dobe Ju/’hoansi
instructions: (assignment 4) you are doing research about the history and effects on the present of your practice and what harmful ideas/practices have emerged from it , together with the structure of the paper, paragraph by paragraph. Paragraphs 4-7 discuss one theme per paragraph so FOUR themes. reflect on current trends (economic, social, political) that […]
Define the parameters of what your study is including Where it will happen. Who your research participants will be • How you will start your project Explain why you think this is an important topic to research List what methods you will use to collect your data o Including why you chose those methods Discuss […]