Business and Management

Explain restraint of trade.

Instructions Define monopoly What is considered a legal monopoly? Explain restraint of trade. What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and how does it relate to the Clayton Act. In your own words define trusts.

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Date: November 18th, 2022

Discussion prompt

If you have ever worked for a company that had to perform a major layoff, sending large groups of employees home and to the unemployment line, you know that it makes for a very somber and stressful day: Saying goodbye to valued coworkers, sharing with them their new financial worries, reviewing the workload they left […]

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Date: November 18th, 2022

What are some of the decisions it might help you solve in your career?

In this module we discussed the difference between Managerial Accounting and Financial Accounting. In your chosen field ( Physician )how Managerial Accounting could be used to help support the business? Remember that managerial accounting is for internal users and can help support decision making! What are some of the decisions it might help you solve […]

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Date: November 18th, 2022

2- compare and contrast them.

Please read Chapter 14 from your textbook (Bragg, 2011) and answer the following question: 1- Explain each one of the Inventory Measuremets Best Practices. 2- Compare and contrast them. 3- How are they related to each other? You must create a word document with your answers and should be submitted it in this drop-box. Please […]

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Date: November 18th, 2022

Examples of these concepts and frameworks include principles of responsible leadership, business ethics, morality and personal values, corporate values, consequentialism, deontology, utilitarianism, and ethical decision making paradigms.

The instructor will provide a case to students on ethical leadership and decision making. This case is designed to encourage students to apply analytical concepts and tools to analyze and solve a real-world scenario. Examples of these concepts and frameworks include principles of responsible leadership, business ethics, morality and personal values, corporate values, consequentialism, deontology, […]

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Date: November 17th, 2022

How are your values of shaped your career goals, and what examples of where your values have emerged in professional experiences and decisions

Please write a three-page reflection describing your top five career values as determined by the career values inventory that is attached. How are your values of shaped your career goals, and what examples of where your values have emerged in professional experiences and decisions Please explain as a accounting tax associate

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Date: November 17th, 2022


Each student will submit a four (4) page paper profiling a leader they have interviewed. The selection of leader can be taken from any industry background chosen by the student. Criteria for selection should be centered on someone that holds a leadership position and has made an impact on an organization (business, not-for-profit organization, political, […]

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Date: November 17th, 2022

Assignment is due to be submitted by6:30 p.m.

Students create a powerpoint of their own business concept. MY BUISNESS IS A DESIGNER SHIRT BRAND NAME ” SKE ” Provide a business plan and anticipated budget. This individual assignment should reference the experience and lessons learnt in the class and how they relate to the course materials. In addition Slides should contain the following […]

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Date: November 17th, 2022

Isbn.13: 978-0-357-12923-4

Responses typed, using a standard font, 12-point type size, double-spaced, with overall neatness and readability. Restatement of the question. Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion. Student demonstrated an understanding of course content and key concepts, as discussed in the text. Student was able to examine, assess, evaluate, and/or analyze course content and key concepts. Student […]

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Date: November 17th, 2022