Business and Management

The student wrote a paper before and the professor said the data is not valid.(that was in chinese) prof says we can rewrite a new one in english.

This is an Univeristy in Macao. the requirment was originally in Chinese and this pdf is a translated version. expereince here shows writers do not follow every one of the order requirements. to save time and avoid rewriting, let’s work step by step. 1. Please write me a topic first and let me approve 2. […]

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Date: September 20th, 2022

Write a summary of the movie, what technology was discussed.

movie Jobs (2013) Select a movie from the list on Google Drive. Only two students can watch the same movie. Write a summary of the movie, what technology was discussed. Discuss why this technology is important and why businesses need to know about it. Length 3 pages

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Date: September 20th, 2022

Please tie them into the content covered in this course.

1. Research three articles in non-daily periodicals or journals (so not a daily newspaper). The subjects shall be anything related to the class materials that we have covered throughout the semester, i.e., the law in business. Please do not use a daily newspaper or website such as NY Times, Wall St. Journal, Washington Post, AJC, […]

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Date: September 20th, 2022

Myers-briggs type indicator

Select a personality test from the list below: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator The Big Five Personality Model The Dark Triad Create a six- to eight-slide PowerPoint presentation that details the potential organizational effects of imposing a personality test in three of the four categories: Choosing candidates for positions in management Choosing candidates for positions in non-management […]

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Date: September 20th, 2022

In the introduction of the literature review, state and explain the topic, challenge, or problem the article addresses.

Objective: Examine the function and value of the literature review in research related to public health policy, epidemiological research, or healthcare administration. This week, you will complete a literature review. Choose any topic, challenge, or problem within the field of public health policy, epidemiological research, or healthcare administration. Using the WCU Library or Google Scholar, […]

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Date: September 20th, 2022

Financial projections

Financial Plan A. Financial Projections How will you fund the business? What are your desired debt and equity position? Who will provide capital debt funds? What role will leasing play in your financial strategy? Will you use outside investors for equity capital? How will you manage the financial risks your business faces? What operating procedures, […]

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Date: September 20th, 2022

What is contingency theories of management.

What is Contingency Theories of Management. Discuss the proponent of Contingency Theories and explain it in your own words. You cannot use Wikipedia or any ohter rsources except what is obtained from Google Scholar as explained and exemplified in class on 09/08/2022. Search on Google Scholar for Journal artciles relating to the Contingency Theories. After […]

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Date: September 20th, 2022

In your pitch, be sure to include the following:

The company is Advance Auto Parts. We are pitching a full service shop to add value to the automotive part sales. I have attached the project outline I previously completed for reference. Create an elevator pitch for your new product or service using your project outline as a guide. In your pitch, be sure to […]

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Date: September 20th, 2022

Case 1: the global semiconductor industry

Please read the case attached and answer the following questions. Case 1: The Global Semiconductor Industry 1. Use Porter’s five forces model to analyze the semiconductor industry. 2. What are the emerging trends in this industry and how that could affect the five forces? 3. Use George Yip’s globalization drivers to analyze the industry.

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Date: September 20th, 2022