Business and Management

University of Wisconsin Applied Computing (n.d.)

Please complete the University of Wisconsin Time Management Calculator and the Duke University Time Management Diagnostic tool and create a separate time management table, explaining how you will address the needs of your MBA coursework for your first semester. You can break it according to day of the week, hours per day, and classes you […]

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Date: September 5th, 2022

Select a franchise and a market outside of the United States. Research the process, cost, chosen market, and market from the type of business.

Over the last three modules, you have learned about international business and developed skills that will serve you now and in the future. It is time to put those abilities to work. You will present a franchise opportunity to an investor. Select a franchise and a market outside of the United States. Research the process, […]

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Date: September 5th, 2022

Overview Corporate Social Responsibility Policy – Striving for Excellence. Corpo

Overview Corporate Social Responsibility Policy – Striving for Excellence. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined in several ways; however, our text highlights that from an ethical perspective CSR is used to “cultivate a broad view of their own self-interest while searching for ways to align that self-interest with the larger public good.” There are many […]

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Date: September 5th, 2022

Complete Activity 1.1 – Lifeline (pp. 1-2) found in the Sugarman* chapter. Write

Complete Activity 1.1 – Lifeline (pp. 1-2) found in the Sugarman* chapter. Write a paper reflecting on these activities and exploring your answers to the questions posed. Be sure to include any personal insights garnered from these activities and connect them with relevant content from this week’s readings, discussion posts, and Collaborate session. *Sugarman, L. […]

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Date: September 5th, 2022

Database of Business Ethics’ All Codes of Conduct,

For this assignment, you will write a 2- to 3-page paper analyzing a company, including its code of ethics or code of conduct, expected behavior of employees, and how they measure the ethical performance of that organization (e.g., tracking diversity in hiring and promotion, tracking complaints or legal action, etc.). —————- Select a company/organization and […]

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Date: September 5th, 2022