Business and Management

The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations, 6th Edition by James M. Kouzes (Author), Barry Z. Posner (Author)

The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations, 6th Edition by James M. Kouzes (Author), Barry Z. Posner (Author) Read the text and take notes. To support your development, your assignment is to write a 200 -400 word response to each question below: What are the five practices of an effective leader? […]

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Date: September 1st, 2022

Uber’s business model.

I attached a reserach short paper about Uber’s business model. Please find new information about Uber, maybe not necessarily about their business model. Write a one-page research paper that is somewhat related to the one attahed. Also, please write a descriptive detailed and strong recommendation for Uber based on your reserach. Please use scolar articles. […]

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Date: September 1st, 2022

Actual Course Name: Applied Organizational Behavior

Actual Course Name: Applied Organizational Behavior PLEASE READ THE PROFESSOR’S INSTRUCTIONS THOROUGHLY AND IN ITS ENTIRETY 1. Read the word document with the professor’s instructions 2. The four Sources that are mentioned in the instructions: I will upload the PowerPoint with my Chapter 11 & 13 information to help. 3. At the bottom of the […]

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Date: September 1st, 2022

MUST ALREADY HAVE ACCESS TO THE FOLLOWING 12-PAGE ARTICLE: Kotter, John P. “Changing the Culture at British Airways.” Harvard Business School Case 491-009, October 1990. (Revised September 1993.)

MUST ALREADY HAVE ACCESS TO THE FOLLOWING 12-PAGE ARTICLE: Kotter, John P. “Changing the Culture at British Airways.” Harvard Business School Case 491-009, October 1990. (Revised September 1993.) The case is focused on change within British Airways. In reviewing the case study on British Airways it is important to consider the full 10 year period […]

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Date: September 1st, 2022

Ethics are typically subtly embedded in various business decisions that you may encounter on the job. Being able to make the right decision in line with personal and company ethics is a critical skill and one that can impact both the individual’s and the company’s legal liability.

Ethics are typically subtly embedded in various business decisions that you may encounter on the job. Being able to make the right decision in line with personal and company ethics is a critical skill and one that can impact both the individual’s and the company’s legal liability. For this assignment, you will read a scenario […]

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Date: September 1st, 2022

What method is best for developing effective teams?

Discussion Assignment was… What method is best for developing effective teams? Which method would you personally be most comfortable in leading? Explain. Please write responses to the students posts below. Example response from another student on a discussion below… EX) “Hi my good buddy! I hope you are doing well. As always, you have done […]

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Date: September 1st, 2022

In the article, soft determinants (including values held by employees and managers) are seen as having an influence over CSR. (See page 9 of article, 1st column) How much of an influence does an individual’s value set have over CSR attitudes?

In the article, soft determinants (including values held by employees and managers) are seen as having an influence over CSR. (See page 9 of article, 1st column) How much of an influence does an individual’s value set have over CSR attitudes? Do you agree or disagree?

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Date: September 1st, 2022

Technology can help businesses run efficiently and effectively. Tablets can be used to create invoices, cell phones can be used to call clients, laptops can allow employees to work from home, etc.

Business Maths Statistics Unit 4 Discussion Technology can help businesses run efficiently and effectively. Tablets can be used to create invoices, cell phones can be used to call clients, laptops can allow employees to work from home, etc. Post 1: Initial Response Your business is in need of some new technology. Find one or more […]

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Date: September 1st, 2022


**PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PAPER FOR TOPIC** MARKETING MANAGEMENT INDIVIDUAL PROJECT (MMIP): USE INFORMATION TO DRIVE MARKETING DECISIONS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Each student must complete an individual marketing project. Your first task is to select a project topic. No two students will work on the same product/service. This must be an existing product, service, or organization. […]

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Date: September 1st, 2022