Business and Management

Review the Communication Failures case study from the Project Management Case Studies text. The case follows the ups and downs of a project team working in an engineering facility. You may wish to refer to your Making the Team text to familiarize yourself with key competencies and skills needed to overcome challenges that may occur on projects.

Review the Communication Failures case study from the Project Management Case Studies text. The case follows the ups and downs of a project team working in an engineering facility. You may wish to refer to your Making the Team text to familiarize yourself with key competencies and skills needed to overcome challenges that may occur […]

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Date: August 30th, 2022

1. Are strategic management and strategic planning synonymous terms? Explain in

1. Are strategic management and strategic planning synonymous terms? Explain in detail with examples. 2. Explain in detail each stage of the strategic management process. Use examples to show additional understanding. 3. List three internal strengths and three internal weaknesses that characterizes SSU. Explain in detail, give examples and discuss how the strengths could be […]

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Date: August 30th, 2022

Part 1: Prepare a two to three paragraph analysis of COBA’s current vision and m

Part 1: Prepare a two to three paragraph analysis of COBA’s current vision and mission statement in light of the concepts presented in this chapter. This is located here: Determine if it meets all or most of the nine characteristics of an effective mission statement and a quality vision statement. If it doesn’t meet […]

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Date: August 30th, 2022

Describe an example of a contract that you or someone you know entered into (e.g., rental agreement, cell phone agreement, property purchase or lease [e.g., car, home, furniture, etc.], home or car repair, or student loan agreement). In your description, be sure to provide specific contractual details including parties and subject matter involved. You must […]

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Date: August 29th, 2022

Understanding the functions of interoffice memos is crucial when choosing the best communication channel in the workplace. Being able to analyze the audience and purpose of a scenario is an important skill to help you justify the necessity and effectiveness of a memo. Download this memo (attached to files), in which a university president addresses […]

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Date: August 29th, 2022

This assignment is NO less than 2 pages of content. APA formatting with citations and reference page. 12 pt font; double- space. 1. Go online and search for project life cycle Identify at least two that are different from the PMI model, and compare and contrast the phases. Be sure to cite your sources in […]

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Date: August 29th, 2022

Instructions Assignment: Answer the following 5 questions. 1. Describe a project scope document and provide an example. Why is it important to clearly define the project scope? 2.What is meant by planning a project? What does this encompass? Who should be involved in planning the work? 3.Why is creating a WBS so crucial to the […]

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Date: August 29th, 2022

Read this article on the SEC’s latest initiatives: Choose one activity that the SEC is looking at. Go to and find more information on the proposed rules. Write a brief summary (word limit 500 words) Combine both assignments into one document. Upload a pdf or Word document here.

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Date: August 29th, 2022

Description: This assignment is a theoretically informed individual 3,500-word report to address the identified challenges outlined in the poster presentation (attached: poster.pptx). The identified challenges are Conflict & Power and Politics under the categories: Work Groups and Teams & Organisational Power and Politics. This report should develop a critical theoretical discussion using up-to-date credible sources […]

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Date: August 29th, 2022

Dessler, G. (2016). Human Resource Management (15th ed.). Pearson. 750-1000 word, essay, Master’s level. Writing should cite the above text (attached).

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Date: August 29th, 2022