Business and Management

Summary: Team analysis and presentation of the course topics through real life e

Summary: Team analysis and presentation of the course topics through real life examples, from case study, media articles anduniversity Innovation Fuel Podcast (IF) (15%-Due date according to schedule) Each team will have to analyse and present a case study related to the weekly topics to illustrate the core concepts. A Power Point document has to […]

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Date: August 25th, 2022

Analyze the industry in which one of the following two firms competes: either A

Analyze the industry in which one of the following two firms competes: either Abita Brewing or Southwest Airlines. (Be careful to analyze the industry, not the company.) Your paper should have seven typed paragraphs as follows: Define the industry—describe which sorts of firms are competing in this industry and which are not and explain the […]

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Date: August 25th, 2022

Develop a marketing research plan for a product.

fMT450-2: Develop a marketing research plan for a product. Research is becoming much more critical to all aspects of the business as competition gets more intense and consumers can choose between a wider array of products online. You will address only the first two steps of the market research planning process to better understand what […]

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Date: August 24th, 2022

“How Netflix Expanded to 190 Countries in 7 Years” from Harvard Business Review—-

Globalization and Information Research Exam Content Purpose This assignment is intended to give you an opportunity to strengthen your skills in gathering and analyzing business-related information. It provides a deeper understanding of how companies can look at globalization as part of their strategic and operational plans. The assignment has two parts: one focused on information […]

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Date: August 24th, 2022

Think of a leader you admire and respect.

PLease anser these questions Think of a leader you admire and respect. Address the following questions (do not retype the questions): How would you characterize this leader’s style—is the leader autocratic or laissez-faire, a technician, or a coach? How did this individual become a leader—for example, by appointment, democratic selection, or emergence? If you include […]

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Date: August 24th, 2022

The Customer Technology Interface

Discussion Thread Marketing: Sub Topic 2.3 The Customer Technology Interface In the week one discussion, we will cover the many main topics which affect different marketing areas from distribution, promotion, technologies, products, and services. Marketing will meet various challenges which change the ways consumers view marketing problems. For example, the subtopic I choose to discuss […]

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Date: August 24th, 2022

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies

WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT – BUSINESS-LEVEL AND CORPORATE-LEVEL STRATEGIES Week 8 Assignment – Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Overview In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you selected and focused on for the assignments, Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness and External and Internal Environments. Research the company on its own website, public filings on […]

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Date: August 24th, 2022