Business and Management

Write a letter to mr. person asking him to help you craft and create an online video giving advice to those wishing to enter the import/export business.

Critical Reasoning and Writing for Business 211 Writing Assignment 4 Persuasive Message You are the Human Resource Manager at Gettajob Incorporated. At a recent business conference in Long Beach, California, you met an executive named Stephan Person from Lengard Marketing, a firm that imports and exports produce. Your company creates video content highlighting job search […]

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Date: November 14th, 2022

Research at least two academic or business articles that discuss the firm and this specific behavior/decision.

The article we read for the discussion board post ended with an interesting quote: “Today, if you’re inconsistent, you’re toast. You’ve got to stand for something, and you have to make sure that your behaviors and your values guide you through the decision-making process.” Assignment: With the quote above in mind, think of a company […]

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Date: November 14th, 2022

Describe the five variables that should be addressed in an expatriate performance management system.

Overview In an effort to evaluate and develop an effective expatriate performance management system in the previously selected multinational corporation, you will write an essay analyzing performance management processes in multinational corporations. Instructions In 2–4 pages, your assignment must address the following: Describe the five variables that should be addressed in an expatriate performance management […]

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Date: November 14th, 2022

Do you think it would be best to try to make these changes in how the firm runs this and future cell phone design projects”

Questions and Problems Chapter 5: Case: Product Design Project (page 164). Answer all six questions in the textbook. You must use a project network analysis to answer these questions. 15 points Chapter 5: Discussion Question 2 (page 157). 5 points chapter 5: Discussion Question 6 (page 157). 5 points “You work for a company that […]

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Date: November 14th, 2022

This assignment may be worked on during class time (we will not meet online today) and is due to be submitted by monday.

i need a draft and a official paper. the business plan is medical transportation Please prepare the first draft of your marketing plan as follows: 1. Executive Summary 2. Marketing Situation 3. The Marketing Opportunity 4. The Business Model 5. Marketing Objectives 6.The Marketing Strategy 7. Operations 8. Marketing Budget/ Financials 9. Management Team 10.Evaluation […]

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Date: November 14th, 2022

Give a overall summary or an abstract of the paper first.

Submit a two-page paper (typed, APA style) answering the questions following the case study as it relates to course content and be prepared to discuss the case in class. Give a overall summary or an abstract of the paper first. 1. What is free will for a consumer? How do we as consumers control ourselves […]

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Date: November 14th, 2022

Prepare a business analysis that explains the generic business strategies for an organization…,

Prepare a 7-10-page business analysis that explains the generic business strategies for an organization, analyzes the business strategy used and the company’s business model, analyzes the corporate strategy of the company and the overall corporate structure and management systems, and analyzes the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies. Also see attached scoring guide […]

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Date: November 13th, 2022