Business and Management

Scott, W. R. (2007). Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems Perspectives. London, England: Prentice Hall, Inc. ISBN: 9780131958937

Scott, W. R. (2007). Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems Perspectives. London, England: Prentice Hall, Inc. ISBN: 9780131958937 DISCUSSION POST INSTRUCTIONS: The student will complete 4 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 2,100 -2,200 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday. For each thread, students must […]

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Date: August 19th, 2022

Choose a sector of science, business, or medicine to research.

Choose a sector of science, business, or medicine to research. For this signature assignment: Discuss the effect of technological advances on this discipline Include a discussion of ethics, modeling, and the scientific method as it relates to this discipline Predict the future implications of technology on this discipline This paper should be two to three […]

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Date: August 19th, 2022

Hello Please let m know if you have any questions about this assignment. I hav

Hello Please let m know if you have any questions about this assignment. I have also attached the week 1 assignment. This assignment is intended to help you use leadership skills to gather project members from cross-functional departments and skill sets and lead them in the fulfillment and implementation of a mock project. Discover the […]

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Date: August 19th, 2022

Identify at least two strengths of the company.

Instructions In Unit II of this course, you selected a Fortune 500 company and revised the mission and vision statements. In Unit III you identified the firm’s internal strengths and weaknesses, and in Unit IV you created a new product or service line for your selected project firm. In this unit, the board of directors […]

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Date: August 19th, 2022

The single output of the PMI Plan Cost Management process is the cost management

The single output of the PMI Plan Cost Management process is the cost management plan, which “describes how project costs will be planned, structured, and controlled” (PMBOK, p.198). Describe the extent to which your organization considers the typical cost management plan contents, discussed in PMBOK section, in their project planning activities.

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Date: August 19th, 2022

The graduate integrates and synthesizes competencies from across the degree program and thereby demonstrates the ability to participate in and contribute value to the chosen professional field.

Competency The graduate integrates and synthesizes competencies from across the degree program and thereby demonstrates the ability to participate in and contribute value to the chosen professional field. INTRODUCTION For the capstone project, you will create a business plan for a hypothetical start-up company using the scenarios provided below. In the business plan, you will […]

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Date: August 19th, 2022

Material requirements planning (MRP) is a challenging process that sometimes puts you between a rock and a hard place. Ordering too much material costs money in storage and waste. Ordering too little can cause clients to seek products from alternative sources. Of course, some circumstances contradict the prior statement.

Material requirements planning (MRP) is a challenging process that sometimes puts you between a rock and a hard place. Ordering too much material costs money in storage and waste. Ordering too little can cause clients to seek products from alternative sources. Of course, some circumstances contradict the prior statement. For example, you would order more […]

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Date: August 19th, 2022

Changes to the Global Environment

Competency 3: Align human resource systems with business strategies. This reflection activity is comprised of two sections collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflections by responding to all prompts. Impactful Changes The business environment changes so quickly that advice is often outdated. Assume you are a consultant. Based on your experience and […]

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Date: August 19th, 2022