Business and Management

The graduate explains how project management concepts can help an organization achieve its goals.

COMPETENCIES 3079.1.1 : Project Management The graduate explains how project management concepts can help an organization achieve its goals. INTRODUCTION Today’s business environment requires competency in project management. In this assessment, you will explain how project management concepts can help an organization achieve its goals. You will take on the role of a market owner […]

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Date: August 6th, 2022

The Dynamic Capabilities Theory

Description: This assessment builds on Assessment 1. In Assessment 1, you were asked to consider and critically discuss five (5) strategic management theories and explain them using industry organizational examples to help support your answer. These were. 1. Disruptive innovation 2. Porter’s Industry/Organisationaltheory 3. Resource-Based View Theory 4. The Dynamic Capabilities Theory 5. Planned & […]

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Date: August 6th, 2022

Discuss 3 examples of recognition programs that organizations can implement. What is the rationale for introducing the 3 recognition programs, and how can an organization can implement the program?

Frequently, employees do not feel that their efforts are recognized or appreciated. In these instances, performance and morale can decline. The long-term impact may include high levels of employee turnover. Discuss 3 examples of recognition programs that organizations can implement. What is the rationale for introducing the 3 recognition programs, and how can an organization […]

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Date: August 6th, 2022

RESKS is an acronym for Research Skills; the ReSks project is supposed to be a mini research activity undertaken by students independently for which they investigate a skill or area of knowledge that we don’t cover in the program, but for which there is research sector demand or at least interest.

Assignment Content RESKS is an acronym for Research Skills; the ReSks project is supposed to be a mini research activity undertaken by students independently for which they investigate a skill or area of knowledge that we don’t cover in the program, but for which there is research sector demand or at least interest. The assignment […]

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Date: August 6th, 2022

Managers and leaders have different roles and responsibilities within an organization, and within society. As a leader or a manager, one goal is to create the next generation of leaders, again not only within an organization but within society. With that background, create a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation that is meant to be presented to new employees at an organization with the hope that they will grow into the next generation of leaders. In the presentation, addresses the following:

Managers and leaders have different roles and responsibilities within an organization, and within society. As a leader or a manager, one goal is to create the next generation of leaders, again not only within an organization but within society. With that background, create a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation that is meant to be presented to […]

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Date: August 6th, 2022

What is the importance of employee-driven content?

Instructions Research the databases in the CSU Online Library, and locate an article for a critique that covers effective training delivery methods for adult learners. The article must be at least four pages in length and published within the last 7 years. Be sure to cover the topics below in your critique. Identify and explain […]

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Date: August 6th, 2022

Because you will be speaking to a group of non-financial managers, in your own words, explain what exactly is meant by the term “cost of capital”. Prior to undertaking any capital budget project, is it important for a financial manager to understand the cost of capital? Why or why not?

As you advance in your health care career, you may or may not serve in a financial capacity. If you do, it will be very important for you to understand the cost of capital and recognize the fact that having a solid understanding of this concept allows the financial manager to make wise business decisions […]

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Date: August 6th, 2022

What the Microsoft Antitrust Case Taught Us” The objective is not a research paper nor a summary of the article. Its intent is to demonstrate a critical analysis of the article’s content by relating to the economics concepts introduced in this course thus far.

Written Assignment This week’s assignment is an article analysis. “What the Microsoft Antitrust Case Taught Us” The objective is not a research paper nor a summary of the article. Its intent is to demonstrate a critical analysis of the article’s content by relating to the economics concepts introduced in this course thus far. Papers […]

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Date: August 6th, 2022