Business and Management

Demonstrate leadership and teamwork through collaborative decision-making processes

– Performance Management Project Portfolio Project Directions and Rubric This Portfolio Project is worth 20% of your overall grade. Completing this Assessment will help you to meet the following outcomes: Course Outcomes Demonstrate leadership and teamwork through collaborative decision-making processes. Program Outcomes Evaluate ethical and multicultural issues within a diverse workplace environment. Institutional Outcomes Thinking […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

Bank of America

Organization: Bank of America Choose 1 country that the organization you’ve been working on in this course could consider expanding into. Read the attached article Analyze that potential international market by considering the 4 aspects of the Diamond of National Advantage: industry rivalry, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and factor endowments. Evaluate the 4 […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

Consider a time when you led a team from the time when the team was formed until it ended. What leadership skills did you draw upon in carrying out your leadership role? To what extent in your view did your team leadership success relate to emotional intelligence skills?

Consider a time when you led a team from the time when the team was formed until it ended. What leadership skills did you draw upon in carrying out your leadership role? To what extent in your view did your team leadership success relate to emotional intelligence skills? Your journal entry must be at least […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

Company is DoorDash

Company is DoorDash….. From the perspective of an executive with the firm, your supervisor has tasked you with creating a strategic plan to grow the business over the next three years using this Strategic Plan Template and here is an Example Strategic Plan using the template. Continue to access the Mergent University of Arizona Global […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

In this paper, examine your organization’s generic and diversification strategies, its international moves, and its ethics, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability practices.

Hide Assignment Information Instructions In this paper, examine your organization’s generic and diversification strategies, its international moves, and its ethics, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability practices. Submit your work in your assignment folder in the form of an double-spaced APA-formatted paper. The title page, reference list, and any appendices are not included in this suggested […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

Working in groups, students will create a mock organization. Groups will name and discuss the organization, analyze the industry in which the company operates, perform a SWOT analysis, evaluate the organization’s products and services to the target market, and create 2 marketing initiatives for the organization. Groups will evaluate finances needed for startup, create the overall leadership approach and develop a corporate social responsibility practice.

Instruction :You are only creationg the mock organization and discuss the organization . Working in groups, students will create a mock organization. Groups will name and discuss the organization, analyze the industry in which the company operates, perform a SWOT analysis, evaluate the organization’s products and services to the target market, and create 2 marketing […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

High Performing Teams’ Training

Assignment: High Performing Teams’ Training This assignment is due in Unit 10 along with an additional required audio visual presentation from Unit 10. Start this assignment now, so you will have sufficient time to add the narration and notes in Unit 10. You have read about and practiced with high performing teams’ concepts, team management […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

Read the article below. After reading it select a country other than the U.S. in which to create a joint venture with a local company in that country. You should create a plan for the upcoming negotiations for the joint venture.

Read the article below. After reading it select a country other than the U.S. in which to create a joint venture with a local company in that country. You should create a plan for the upcoming negotiations for the joint venture. Your plan should include how the team perceives the negotiation issues. Write a three […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

ethical issues and ethical dilemmas in business & The research focuses on “social media ethics” Similarity less than 10% deadline Saturday

Professional Assignment #2 – CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 4, CLO 5 In PA 1 you determined your topic and the type of research methods you might use to investigate your study. In CLA 1 you stated the research purpose, described the problem, created research questions (and hypotheses as appropriate), created a short literature review, […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

The instructions state, Select a social media outlet of pages 299-303. Review the social media outlet. Identify the challenges and issues that have occurred recently.

The instructions state, Select a social media outlet of pages 299-303. Review the social media outlet. Identify the challenges and issues that have occurred recently. Describe some alternatives and solutions in your research. Also this must be in APA format. Please use instagram as the social media outlet. Thank you

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Date: August 5th, 2022