Business and Management

Ethical Standards of Contract Management

W5: Ethical Standards of Contract Management Review the following information on ethics: Link 1: Link 2: (Some Browsers may have trouble with this link. The Airforce GAO Paper is also attached to the forum if you have trouble.) Access this link for the NCMA code of ethics ( Here is a link to […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

In this assignment, you will be examining Hofstede’s Cultural Values for the US and a country of your choice. Select two of Hofstede’s Cultural Values and compare and contrast those values for the US and the other country.

As a precursor to the assignment you will submit in Unit 10, you will address cultural dimensions as seen in your learning activity and the reading on pages 163–165 from Chapter 5 (Hofstede’s framework and the GLOBE framework). Review these and do some research on the Internet. Then address topic 2: For a fictitious company […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

Ideal Work Environment Think about your work history or even places where those you know have worked. What was that work environment like in each place?

Week 3 Assignment – Ideal Work Environment Think about your work history or even places where those you know have worked. What was that work environment like in each place? What did you like at each of those places? What was not so pleasing? Now, keeping in mind those past work experiences, describe an ideal […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

Liedtka, J., Ogilvie, T. and Brozenske, R. (2019, 2nd ed.). The Designing for Growth Field Book (a step-by-step project guide). Columbia Business School Publishing.

Based on the learning resources from this module, previous modules, and additional research, prepare an overview of how business leaders were forced to adopt innovation. Try to provide at least three examples of business leaders that were forced to make innovative changes due to the pandemic. Try to provide as much specifics about the issues, […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

For the business you have identified (The resturant business in the document attached) for prior weeks’ discussions, identify a setting where a network model representation is appropriate. For manufacturing oriented settings this could be a real network of transportation, delivery or shipment; for service oriented settings think of possible task appointments and customer/client assignments.

For the business you have identified (The resturant business in the document attached) for prior weeks’ discussions, identify a setting where a network model representation is appropriate. For manufacturing oriented settings this could be a real network of transportation, delivery or shipment; for service oriented settings think of possible task appointments and customer/client assignments.

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Date: August 5th, 2022

What are Home Depot’s major customer segments? What do these segments value today and how might expectations change in the future? How does Home Depot position itself for these customer segments?

please read the case atteched and answer the questions below. Omnichannel Retailing Home Depot Questions What are Home Depot’s major customer segments? What do these segments value today and how might expectations change in the future? How does Home Depot position itself for these customer segments? Who are Home Depot’s major competitors? How does the […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

Labor Unions have declined in popularity as measured by the percentage of workers who are members, and that is attributable to several factors. In our last discussion, we will share our opinions on the trend. What is the one factor you believe has contributed most to collective bargaining units declining? Do you think this trend will continue or reverse itself?

Labor Unions have declined in popularity as measured by the percentage of workers who are members, and that is attributable to several factors. In our last discussion, we will share our opinions on the trend. What is the one factor you believe has contributed most to collective bargaining units declining? Do you think this trend […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022

How does turnover impact the HR function?

Please answer the following questions within a maximum of 3 double-spaced pages. Note the limit requires you to be concise in synthesizing all the input from the classroom material and any external literature you gather. 1. Explain how each of the HR staffing, training & development, and performance management functional areas relates to turnover. Consider: […]

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Date: August 5th, 2022