Business and Management

The Hines Story

Please read this motivational / instructional story about the Oregon-based Hines Lumber Company. It is part of the UPS culture and is widely recited. When your boss wants something done she will often say, “Go research what happened in our operation last night,” or “I want to know how Block Chain can improve our department,” […]

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Date: July 12th, 2022

Read Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality.

Read Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality. Write a 2- to 3-page essay due prior to the start of Unit Five. How do you know that a person or an organization has integrity? Based on what you read in Cloud’s book, how does your organization do in terms of integrity? How are […]

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Date: July 12th, 2022

2. Do the Application exercise “Conducting Empirical Validation and Adverse Impact analysis” exercise on page 364 (Chapter 7) by answering the questions based on the attached data.

2. Do the Application exercise “Conducting Empirical Validation and Adverse Impact analysis” exercise on page 364 (Chapter 7) by answering the questions based on the attached data. Using­the­data­above,­calculate­the­following: 1.­ Average­PS­scores­for­the­­whole­sample,­males,­females,­non­­minorities,­and­ minorities. 2.­ The­correlation­between­PS­scores­and­per­for­mance­ratings,­and­its­statistical­ significance­(r­=­.37­or­higher­is­needed­for­significance­at­p­

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Date: July 12th, 2022

Writing for Publication More organizations require employees to write short articles for an online newsletter or blog publication as part of marketing and public relations. Becoming comfortable writing this style of commentary for a general audience is important in an era in which news can be authored by anyone. T

Writing for Publication More organizations require employees to write short articles for an online newsletter or blog publication as part of marketing and public relations. Becoming comfortable writing this style of commentary for a general audience is important in an era in which news can be authored by anyone. Today’s consumers of media want quick, […]

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Date: July 12th, 2022

Carl and Jan are both 72 years old and live relatively well. They have a 2800 sq. ft. house on a golf course. The house was bought in 1979 and is paid for. So they only pay for insurance, utilities and property taxes. There is a large yard to maintain. They are financially stable with a retirement income (pension, investments, and cash savings) and social security. They were healthy and active until a year ago. Carl fell and broke a hip

Carl and Jan are both 72 years old and live relatively well. They have a 2800 sq. ft. house on a golf course. The house was bought in 1979 and is paid for. So they only pay for insurance, utilities and property taxes. There is a large yard to maintain. They are financially stable with […]

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Date: July 12th, 2022

A maker of energy drinks is considering abandoning can containers and going exclusively to bottles because the sales manager believes customers prefer drinking from bottles. However, the vice president in charge of marketing is not convinced the sales manager is correct. Investigate this issue using statistical analysis.

A maker of energy drinks is considering abandoning can containers and going exclusively to bottles because the sales manager believes customers prefer drinking from bottles. However, the vice president in charge of marketing is not convinced the sales manager is correct. Investigate this issue using statistical analysis. Explain which data collection method you would use […]

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Date: July 12th, 2022

Looking Under the Hood at Toyota- What Went Wrong?

For this assignment, you will submit a two-page document that will provide a profile of your chosen struggling company (Toyota) This milestone will serve as a rough draft and must cover the critical elements below. You are expected to provide a minimum of two to three paragraphs for each of the three critical elements, which […]

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Date: July 12th, 2022

compare and contrast the benefits/challenges of in-person, hands-on learning with online, self-paced learning.

Original Topic: compare and contrast the benefits/challenges of in-person, hands-on learning with online, self-paced learning. Need a response post written to the following post. Hands-on training methods require active participation from the trainee in an in-person or self-paced learning environment. Each technique presents unique learning opportunities; however, each also presents challenges. Therefore, the following is […]

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Date: July 12th, 2022