Business and Management

Gillespie, N., Dietz, G., & Lockey, S. (2014). Organizational reintegration and trust repair after an integrity violation: A case study. Business Ethics Quarterly, 24(3), 371-410.

Research Paper is due this week. Submit to the Assignments area for grading by Sunday of Week 2. The concepts of power, trust, influence, and politics are critical to the study of organizational behavior. Select one of these areas and find two (2) empirical studies, published within the past 10 years, and summarize each article […]

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Date: July 4th, 2022

Is the Customer Always Right?

CASES FROM THE REAL WORLD Is the Customer Always Right? At an independently owned Pizza Hut franchise in Oklahoma,20 two regular customers made sexually offensive remarks to a female employee named Lockard, who then told her boss she did not like waiting on them. One evening, these customers again entered the restaurant, and her boss […]

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Date: July 4th, 2022

Select an organization, either where you work, or one you are interested in, AND have not used in past course research and/or papers.

Directions Select an organization, either where you work, or one you are interested in, AND have not used in past course research and/or papers. Identify the Organization’s Employee Value Proposition. After identifying the Employee Value Proposition, select a job within the organization, and do the following: 1-Evaluate whether you think the EVP is effective. 2-Identify […]

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Date: July 4th, 2022

Personal Perspective on Ethics & Morality Focus

Personal Perspective on Ethics & Morality Focus Exercise/Assignment: Instructions: Reflection – Papers Reflection papers allow students to communicate with your instructor about how a specific article, lesson, lecture, or experience shapes your understanding of class-related material. Reflection papers are personal and subjective, but they must still maintain a somewhat academic tone and must still be […]

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Date: July 4th, 2022

Knowing the expectations involved with maintaining operational sustainability and who is responsible for meeting these expectations is an important part of being an effective practitioner. In this assignment, you will create a guide that can be used throughout this course and in the future to help you better understand the roles, influences, and responsibilities of internal and external stakeholders involved in maintaining ethical business practices related to the triple bottom line (TBL).

Overview Knowing the expectations involved with maintaining operational sustainability and who is responsible for meeting these expectations is an important part of being an effective practitioner. In this assignment, you will create a guide that can be used throughout this course and in the future to help you better understand the roles, influences, and responsibilities […]

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Date: July 4th, 2022

the creation of a market analysis report that analyzes various organized global and domestic exchange markets and compares and contrasts performance for different investment products.

The final project for this course is the creation of a market analysis report that analyzes various organized global and domestic exchange markets and compares and contrasts performance for different investment products. In this milestone, you will submit a draft of the Macroeconomic Environment (Section II) of the final project. You will focus on external […]

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Date: July 4th, 2022

Analyze the workplace restroom conflict by applying John Dewey’s sequence for problem-solving.

Case Analysis Before beginning to write. read the article by Symmes and Mensik to gain familiarity with the topic of providing restroom facilities for transgender employees. Analyze the workplace restroom conflict by applying John Dewey’s sequence for problem-solving. Your analysis should be between 900 and 1100 words in length. Be sure to infuse conflict […]

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Date: July 4th, 2022

Topic: Multigenerational Workforce

Topic: Multigenerational Workforce Introduce the topic – include why this is an important topic, i.e. their challenges, what each generation brings to the table, statistics, application to work, etc. Next, define any terms. The bulk of this paper should be a discussion of the topic and its importance to management and the workplace. Use relevant […]

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Date: July 4th, 2022