Business and Management

In business many of the legal liabilities, ethical codes, contract duties, business culture, progressive discipline, leadership structures and other business policies and relationships are linked to and come out of employee handbooks.

In business many of the legal liabilities, ethical codes, contract duties, business culture, progressive discipline, leadership structures and other business policies and relationships are linked to and come out of employee handbooks. Therefore the employee handbook often provides an instructive example of overall business law concepts and relationships. However, due to the sensitive information and […]

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Date: June 17th, 2022

What useful contribution can performance appraisal make to promotion decisions-and what are its limitations in this respect? How should PA’s be used in termination decisions, if at all?

answer the questions, 1 page per each question, no need for a intro Week 7 Discussion 1 What useful contribution can performance appraisal make to promotion decisions-and what are its limitations in this respect? How should PA’s be used in termination decisions, if at all? Week 7 Discussion 2 Discuss PA’s can be used for […]

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Date: June 16th, 2022

Choose a great leader you admire, for example, John F. Kennedy, Margaret Thatcher, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malala Yousafzai, Mahatma Ghandi, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Nelson Mandela. Research their approach to leadership and assess their ability to influence others.

Leadership & Influence Choose a great leader you admire, for example, John F. Kennedy, Margaret Thatcher, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malala Yousafzai, Mahatma Ghandi, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Nelson Mandela. Research their approach to leadership and assess their ability to influence others. What influence have they had on others? How have they influenced themselves? What can […]

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Date: June 16th, 2022

Write a 3-5 page advisory report on researched malpractice cases to recommend best practices, policies, and systems that can avoid ethical, legal, or regulatory failures by healthcare workers in the provided scenario.

HR 04: Malpractice Advisory Report Overview: 3 pages (825 words) At least 4 SCHOLARLY sources from peer-reviewed journal. (Any listed sources can be used.) APA6. (Any of the listed sources can be used.) · Write a 3-5 page advisory report on researched malpractice cases to recommend best practices, policies, and systems that can avoid ethical, […]

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Date: June 16th, 2022

Would you leave your position within a company if you saw evidence of unethical business practices? Why or why not?

Discussion Question: Part 1. Would you leave your position within a company if you saw evidence of unethical business practices? Why or why not? What factors would you consider in making that decision? Part 2. Philip Kotler argues that professional marketers “should have the same ambivalence as nuclear scientists who help build nuclear bombs.” Is […]

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Date: June 16th, 2022

What competitive forces shaped the business environment in the European household care products industry at the time of the Henkel Iberica case?

Written Assignment (Please read the case and answer the question below. You may address each question as a separate short essay) Question 1: What competitive forces shaped the business environment in the European household care products industry at the time of the Henkel Iberica case? Elaborate by explaining the impact on the business environment of […]

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Date: June 16th, 2022