Business and Management

soft skills/transferable skills/professional skills in the workplace.

INSTRUCTIONS: You are to write a minimum 400 word discussion board response on soft skills/transferable skills/professional skills in the workplace. You will need to tell me what soft skills are; why they are important; and why so many people are missing these necessary skills today. You will need to name and describe at least 5 […]

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Date: June 16th, 2022

Consider businesses and corporations– small (local), medium and large. What are “business ethics” and how do they affect your community? In your opinion, are businesses and corporations operating ethically?

Consider businesses and corporations– small (local), medium and large. What are “business ethics” and how do they affect your community? In your opinion, are businesses and corporations operating ethically? What are some ways companies can improve their business ethics in the future? Please be sure to provide a specific example(s) when justifying your points. Initial […]

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Date: June 16th, 2022

We learn from good examples of other leaders. Expectations and job descriptions are communicated before problems arise, soon after the hiring process. Or

We learn from good examples of other leaders. Expectations and job descriptions are communicated before problems arise, soon after the hiring process. Organizations provide employee manuals with managerial decisions written previously to employment. However, sometimes, we learn common mistakes from managers and can see how to avoid them. Good (ethical and effective) leaders to know […]

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Date: June 16th, 2022

Review Issue 5 from Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Business Ethics and Society. Which viewpoint do you side with? Why

Assignment: Responses to each question should fully answer and explore the question, may be less than or around 500 words (or whatever word count fully answers each question), and should be supported with scholarly research from your textbook and also often from outside internet sources, excluding wiki sources. Remember that well-written responses do not need […]

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Date: June 16th, 2022

The business is Primark

The business is Primark Use (Flexible Labor as a Strategy and Career Management and Future Jobs) strategies from assignment 5 and complete the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) with ten (10) in each category. Please leverage your EFE and IFE work. State the recommended strategy for the implementation and the reason. Provide detailed recommendations/next steps […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022

Just as strategic managers must analyze and assess the external environment of the organization, the same holds true from an internal perspective.

Just as strategic managers must analyze and assess the external environment of the organization, the same holds true from an internal perspective. This internal lens is largely focused on determining the organization’s core competencies: unique, integrated, organization-specific competencies that allow the organization to provide better products/service at equal or lesser cost. These competencies can take […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022