Business and Management

In your textbook there is a section titled “Making a Company Web Site Global.”

In your textbook there is a section titled “Making a Company Web Site Global.” You can use this as a guide. This list was compiled from 4 articles found here: (Links to an external site.) For this assignment, you need to find a company website (large or small) that could benefit from a global […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022

How will you reach what you want through negotiation you can include or something from the book “Never Split the difference: Negotiation as if your life depends on it” and any other resources for negotiation

I attached 2 files one employee perspectve and one HR perspective. You are the employee perspective Answer how you would Negotiatie for it in Between 500-700 words. You can make use of external information not mentioned in the case study to complete your answers. Indicate references used. How will you reach what you want through […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022

The organization that you work for is restructuring departments. Based on some of the changes, your department is currently without a leader. You have been asked to develop a profile for the type of candidate that you believe will make the best leader for the department.

Consider this scenario: The organization that you work for is restructuring departments. Based on some of the changes, your department is currently without a leader. You have been asked to develop a profile for the type of candidate that you believe will make the best leader for the department. Note that there are no wrong […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022

Identify a small business to use for the project. A small business is one that employs fewer than 50 people. Begin research so you can create a small business plan that is geared towards making improvements in the business.

Identify a small business to use for the project. A small business is one that employs fewer than 50 people. Begin research so you can create a small business plan that is geared towards making improvements in the business. The business plan should have a dedicated section for the following: Executive summary, business description, mission […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022

Discuss three reasons why employee engagement/satisfaction metrics might rise or fall.

Attached is the assignment overview and any material for reading. Case Assignment: After reading the required background material, prepare an essay in which you identify five key performance metrics to measure employee satisfaction. You should address the following questions about each of the five metrics you selected to measure employee engagement/satisfaction: 1. Discuss three reasons […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022

the importance of mission and vision statements

Instructions Over the course of this unit, we have discussed the importance of mission and vision statements. As a part of that discussion, we analyzed mission and vision statements for their effectiveness. For the Unit II Essay, you will expand on this topic. Using your favorite search engine, research the mission and vision statements of […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022

International trade can have big effects on domestic markets. For both an import good and an export good (in other words, address each bulleted item below twice—once for import and once for export), describe how opening up to international trade affects the following: supply or demand for the particular good,

International trade can have big effects on domestic markets. For both an import good and an export good (in other words, address each bulleted item below twice—once for import and once for export), describe how opening up to international trade affects the following: supply or demand for the particular good, the competitiveness of that good’s […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022

General Motors1

I would like this paper to focus specifically on General Motors1. What organizational structure this firm utilizes, and what theory best explains the organizational behavior of this firm? 2. What leadership style either the current leader or the founder of this company utilizes, and what leadership theory best explains this leadership style? 3. What micro-economic […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022