Business and Management

Would you advise a company to become an early investor in Cuba?

PLEASE USE THE ATTACHED WORD DOCUMENT TO INCLUDE THE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS MUST BE NUMBERED AND TYPED OUT WITH THE ANSWER TO EACH QUESTION UNDER THE QUESTION. Tasks: Respond to the questions about Cuba. Conduct additional research if needed on Hitachi. Be sure to cite your sources using MLA or APA. You are […]

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Date: June 8th, 2022

Do you think factory employees would typically be more resistant to changes in production methods, changes in structure, or changes in culture? Why? What steps could managers take to overcome this resistance?

Introduction Applying the concepts outlined within the chapters by using real-world experiences and prior knowledge to answer chapter discussion questions will allow each student to express key findings as it relates to their own personal experiences. Your post should answer the following questions: Do you think factory employees would typically be more resistant to changes […]

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Date: June 8th, 2022

Reflection Paper Assignment: Identify one (1) major issue facing the global community that is global in scale, briefly summarize the issue, and how it impacts and may impact managers and businesses

Reflection Paper Assignment: Identify one (1) major issue facing the global community that is global in scale, briefly summarize the issue, and how it impacts and may impact managers and businesses. Please include citations from any supporting articles. It is recommended that the first paragraph clearly identifies which globalization issue you are examining. Possible topics […]

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Date: June 8th, 2022

Leadership can be defined as the art of motivating and inspiring people to a common purpose. Strategic leadership further defines this principle by focusing on specific, intentional, measurable objectives that emerge from mission, strategy, and logistics (our MSL model/strategic leadership cycle).

Leadership can be defined as the art of motivating and inspiring people to a common purpose. Strategic leadership further defines this principle by focusing on specific, intentional, measurable objectives that emerge from mission, strategy, and logistics (our MSL model/strategic leadership cycle). Strategic leaders move their organizations to be extraordinary. How can an organization define its […]

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Date: June 8th, 2022

Abraham Lincoln

This week’s assignment is separate from the major project. For this weeks’ assignment, consider the following leaders: Abraham Lincoln Socrates Mahatma Gandhi Mother Teresa Barack Obama Muhtar Kent Herb Kelleher Howard Schultz You may also select other well known leaders with approval of the instructor Research any two of these leaders and assess what makes […]

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Date: June 8th, 2022

Discuss some of the challenges that companies are likely to face when they hire contingent and part-time employees.

Discuss some of the challenges that companies are likely to face when they hire contingent and part-time employees. If you were responsible for hiring decisions, would you consider hiring contingent and part-time workers or would you only consider hiring full-time employees. Explain your reasoning based on what you learned in this module, as well as […]

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Date: June 8th, 2022

post an example of stakeholder influence on a project you worked on. If you don’’t have an example to share, think of a public project in the news or one that you have read about and consider how stakeholders influenced the success,failure, stress level, productivity or efficiency of the overall project.

post an example of stakeholder influence on a project you worked on. If you don’t have an example to share, think of a public project in the news or one that you have read about and consider how stakeholders influenced the success,failure, stress level, productivity or efficiency of the overall project. Consider the context of […]

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Date: June 8th, 2022

United States Department of Labor Case Study

United States Department of Labor Case Study Go to the United States Department of Labor website to read “Continuation of Health Coverage – COBRA.” This website communicates the current regulations and federal involvement in employee benefits. Navigate the website to become familiar with its contents. Write a five- to seven-page paper in which you: Describe […]

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Date: June 8th, 2022

Do an Internet search for the Keirsey Temperament Sorter Questionnaire and find a site that appears to have a reputable self-assessment questionnair

Do an Internet search for the Keirsey Temperament Sorter Questionnaire and find a site that appears to have a reputable self-assessment questionnaire. Respond to the questionnaire to identify your temperament type. Read supportive documents associated with your type. What does this material suggest are the kinds of projects that would best suit you? What does […]

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Date: June 8th, 2022

Managing projects today may mean dealing with culturally diverse teams, high performance teams, and virtual teams both nationally and internationally, and outsourced teams.

Managing projects today may mean dealing with culturally diverse teams, high performance teams, and virtual teams both nationally and internationally, and outsourced teams. Each has benefits and yet each is a challenge for the project manager. Review the following article to learn about the top 5 dysfunctions of team building: Consider that you are […]

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Date: June 8th, 2022