Business and Management

*how would you interview, train,and evaluate the performance of employees who you want to work on teams in your selected organization?

“hospitals” *how would you interview, train,and evaluate the performance of employees who you want to work on teams in your selected organization? *How would you interview, train,and evaluate the performance of the leaders in your selected organization. *what considerations are there in interviewing , training, and appraising employees when considering constant change in an organization […]

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Date: June 7th, 2022

Define transactional leadership.

This discussion has a few components to integrate into your discussion: Define transactional leadership. Discuss the pros and cons of the leadership style. Decide if this is a valuable leadership style – yes or no. Provide reasoning.

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Date: June 7th, 2022

1- Why should marketing planning be an activity that should involve the entire organization. Specify the roles of various functions within the organization.

1- Why should marketing planning be an activity that should involve the entire organization. Specify the roles of various functions within the organization. 2- Describe the marketing concept. What companies in the marketplace might be described as “customer-focused? Provide specific examples to support your company choice. 3- What are differentiation, positioning, and targeting (segmentation)? Pick […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

What is a core competence?

The essay’s subject is competences, and how large, listed companies profit from employee competences. I wish that the essay concentrates on large IT sector companies (like Google, BIG4, Apple, IBM) and their competences. A short introduction to the subject (half-page maximum) and a summary. These matters should be covered: – What is competence? o What […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

The Business Administration CAPSTONE – The course book Strategic Management Competitiveness & Globalization

The Business Administration CAPSTONE – The course book Strategic Management Competitiveness & Globalization: Concepts & Cases is a REQUIRED SOURCE for this assignment. Access the eBook at: 1 – Paste the following link into your browser: enter email: Password: Capstone1! Once you are in, hover over the tile of the course text book […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Completeness of Portfolium profile

Once you accept the order – i’ll provide the linke of e-portfoilo and artifacts. Examine the work of one of the peers with which you linked to in Week 5. You will be looking at the following elements: Completeness of Portfolium profile Correctness (absence of errors such as typos or spelling errors) Incorporation of quality […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Discuss what competitive advantage is and describe how it is calculated.

You learned how to create a competitive advantage, as well as some tools for measuring organizational performance. Reflect on what you learned and then, in at least 150 of your own words, address the following: Discuss what competitive advantage is and describe how it is calculated. Assess how executives should analyze the performance of their […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

“Shared values are the foundation for building productive and genuine working relationships” (p.61).

Complete the worksheet as you read the assigned chapters for the week; questions will correspond to the reading in the book. Be sure anything you are quoting directly from the book is properly formatted with quotation marks and a page number. For example: “Shared values are the foundation for building productive and genuine working relationships” […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Analyze three or four benefits of utilizing enterprise resource planning (ERP) in a firm, and then select an ERP vendor. Determine two or three factors that contributed to the selected vendor having improved productivity.

Analyze three or four benefits of utilizing enterprise resource planning (ERP) in a firm, and then select an ERP vendor. Determine two or three factors that contributed to the selected vendor having improved productivity. Provide specific examples using additional sources, if necessary, to support your rationale.

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Date: June 6th, 2022