Business and Management

· explain business model innovation,

Objectives On successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to: · describe a business model, · explain business model innovation, · identify the reasons a business model is important, and · define business core competency and describe its importance. Brief Description In unit 9 you will begin work on the presentation for your […]

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Date: June 4th, 2022

Team process Conflict (Links to an external site.) Minimize Video This video highlights some very important issues related to management and organizational behavior., from a variety of perspectives. Put yourself into the role of a manager or team leader. How can the concepts from this video help you address topics such as those listed below? Leadership Designing […]

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Date: June 4th, 2022

the Five-Component Model that includes the following: A summary of the five-component model and explanation of why each component is important for an organization to understand.

Write a 750-1,000 word paper on the Five-Component Model that includes the following: A summary of the five-component model and explanation of why each component is important for an organization to understand. An explanation of the significance of the five-component model within information technology (IT) and information systems (IS), exploring the differences between IT and […]

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Date: June 4th, 2022

In Week 1 of this course, you established the purpose of your business and devised a problem-solving business idea. Now you will identify your target customer and describe why you chose that specific target market.

In Week 1 of this course, you established the purpose of your business and devised a problem-solving business idea. Now you will identify your target customer and describe why you chose that specific target market. Instructions 1. Describe your plan to appeal to your target market.

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Date: June 4th, 2022

Explain the theories of adult learning principles.

Write essay on the following question. Once the training analysis is completed, the organization and employee development human resources specialist uses adult learning theories to turn the training needs into training materials, courses, and instructional design. Address the following elements of understanding the adult learning model: Explain the theories of adult learning principles. Compare the […]

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Date: June 4th, 2022

Research an existing company’s marketing strategy. Identify one specific strategy that would work well for your business, based on your research findings.

Research an existing company’s marketing strategy. Identify one specific strategy that would work well for your business, based on your research findings. Explain why the strategy would help appeal to your ideal target market. In this assignment you will work with the principles of what a marketing strategy is. You will apply the ideas studied […]

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Date: June 4th, 2022

Research Objective: Students will conduct an in-depth country analysis of an emerging market economy to determine its suitability for foreign direct investment

Research Paper Research Objective: Students will conduct an in-depth country analysis of an emerging market economy to determine its suitability for foreign direct investment. An emerging market is a country with a Gross National Income (GNI) of $10,00.00 per capita (or with the potential for the 10K milestone) such as India, the Czech Republic, United […]

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Date: June 3rd, 2022

EnergyIf the society wishes to reduce dependency on “Oil” and Choose an alternative source of energy would you recommend? Why?

Energy If the society wishes to reduce dependency on “Oil” and Choose an alternative source of energy, what alternative source of energy would you recommend? Why? Be mindful of the following: – Must serve big population needs – Cost of production shall be economically acceptable. -Technologically doable – Must result in minimum waste – Any […]

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Date: June 3rd, 2022

Balogun and Hailey’s Change Model

three specific types of change: Developmental Change, Transitional Change, and Transformational Change. These change types can be seen in various change models that have been developed over the years. Select one of the following change models: Dunphy and Stace’s Four Levels of Change Balogun and Hailey’s Change Model Proactive vs. Reactive Changes Strategic Change versus […]

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Date: June 3rd, 2022