Business and Management

how to find vital behaviors.

Discussion Assignment Instructions Draft a reply of at least 300-400 words to post below. The reply must support the assertions with at least two scholarly citations in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last three (3) years. Acceptable sources include scholarly citations from peer-reviewed journals. The initial post was write […]

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Date: June 2nd, 2022

Identify at least one example of a healthy organizational culture and at least one example of an unhealthy organizational culture.

To prepare for this Discussion: ***Follow the Week 4 Discussion Rubric for this paper. From personal experience or public reputation, consider examples of organizations with healthy or unhealthy corporate cultures. Identify examples of business practices that are reflective of organizational health (and those that are not). You may use examples from your own experience or […]

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Date: June 2nd, 2022

Provide an additional recommendation for how an unhealthy practice your colleague identified could be handled differently to yield more positive organizational health outcomes.

Respond to Jonathan’s post in the following way: Provide an additional recommendation for how an unhealthy practice your colleague identified could be handled differently to yield more positive organizational health outcomes. Please respond with YOU or YOUR. Do not use Jonathan’s name in the response.

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Date: June 2nd, 2022

Identify and evaluate McDonald’s political and legal limitations and barriers in that country, as compared to the U.S.; and How McDonald’s has overcome (or should overcome) these barriers.

According to a 2015 report, 32 percent of McDonald’s income was from the U.S., McDonald’s domestic environment — leaving the lion’s share from overseas markets. (The Guardian, 2015). For this discussion essay: Select and research a foreign country where McDonald’s is located doing business; Identify and evaluate McDonald’s political and legal limitations and barriers in […]

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Date: June 2nd, 2022

Research the Southwest Airline Company

Research the Southwest Airline Company and write an essay based on the concepts learned this week. Thessay should be two pages, double-spaced with proper references and adhere to citing format per APA guidelines. Use at least two to three scholarly sources with intext citations supporting the essay. Don’t forget to include a cover page, introduction, […]

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Date: June 2nd, 2022

With the millions of IoT (Internet of Things) devices and the Big Data these devices generate on a continuous basis has led to IOT networking based on fog computing. Cloud computing which is a centralized source is too slow in many cases for the IOT devices creating latency in the data transmission. T

With the millions of IoT (Internet of Things) devices and the Big Data these devices generate on a continuous basis has led to IOT networking based on fog computing. Cloud computing which is a centralized source is too slow in many cases for the IOT devices creating latency in the data transmission. Think of a […]

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Date: June 2nd, 2022

explore the conditions under which a company should decentralize its structure and decision making.

Objective: To explore the conditions under which a company should decentralize its structure and decision making. Instructions: The following scenarios describe situations faced by hypothetical companies that currently have a centralized organizational structure. As you review each of the scenarios, provide your opinion as to whether the company should move to a more decentralized organizational […]

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Date: June 2nd, 2022

How does globalism impact managers in a global business?

Review Chapter 1 of your Hill & Hult textbook. Write a 1-2 page paper addressing the question, “How does globalism impact managers in a global business?” Address the following: What is globalism? How does globalism affect managers? Must a manager use different management strategies when dealing with those from different countries and cultures? Find an […]

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Date: June 2nd, 2022

describing changes that occur from expanding companies to global markets.

The business community needs to be aware of the changes that are resulting as a small, medium, and multinational companies (MNCs) go to global markets. Write a 1-2 page paper describing changes that occur from expanding companies to global markets. Address the following: Has globalism changed the way small businesses operate? What changes has globalism […]

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Date: June 2nd, 2022

Based on the Effect of Emerging Technology on the Economy of the Country of (Germany), provide an executive summary (350-500 words) to recommend how the emerging technology could solve a problem in your country.

Based on the Effect of Emerging Technology on the Economy of the Country of (Germany), provide an executive summary (350-500 words) to recommend how the emerging technology could solve a problem in your country. Provide research and evidence that supports your summary. Use the following format: Introduction Provide an overview of what you are recommending […]

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Date: June 2nd, 2022