Business and Management

Explain how the Federal Reserve Board, or the Fed, might assist the United States in the event of a recession or depression with examples.

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

imagine yourself as a community leader in the region where you currently live. You have been tasked with assessing current and significant environmental issues that impact your community at a local level.

Significant environmental issues can devastate a community. Community leaders and committees play important roles in assessing and mitigating the impacts. In this assignment, you will create a 10-to12-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you will imagine yourself as a community leader in the region where you currently live. You have been tasked with assessing current and […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

Explain your initial strategy for R&D? Did that strategy work well?

The R&D of a company is in charge of designing the product line, making improvements to existing products, and coming up with new products to meet customer demand and stay competitive. Using this week’s course readings and supplemental readings, create a podcast (a companywide broadcast message) about customer want/needs and how R&D strategy — investments […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

Explain in detail why data analysis skills are so important to spend analysis.

In your paper, Explain in detail why data analysis skills are so important to spend analysis. Describe how a structured process such as Six Sigma methodology (Chapter 4) can be useful to identify spending patterns and opportunities for improvement. Recommend which functional areas of the business, such as finance, should be involved in spend analysis […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

Compared to the traditional supply chain, contemporary supply chain presents many new features, such as more emphasis on agility and flexibility, planning-driven model being replaced by demand-driven model, long process chain becoming interactive closed loop, etc.

Compared to the traditional supply chain, contemporary supply chain presents many new features, such as more emphasis on agility and flexibility, planning-driven model being replaced by demand-driven model, long process chain becoming interactive closed loop, etc. What other new features you can think of in a contemporary supply chain? Please choose a new feature and […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

Describe the differences between financial and managerial accounting.

Scenario: Your team represents a consulting firm that has been selected to explain the benefits of adopting an Enterprise Resource Planning system for an organization. The organization is considering possible major layoffs if revenue and efficiencies cannot improve. Your team has been contracted to prepare and present a proposal and presentation to the senior management […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

Budgeting and Budgets are part of every organization’s organizing and planning functions. Budgets are thought of as necessary for the execution of the Strategic Plan.

Budgeting and Budgets are part of every organization’s organizing and planning functions. Budgets are thought of as necessary for the execution of the Strategic Plan. Are budgets a help or a hindrance to the execution of a Strategic Plan? Identify the limitations in traditional budgeting and discuss the suggested improvements. Below are links to the […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

The Theory of the Firm attempts to explain how and why corporations exist. In its simplest form, corporations exist to maximize profits. As the economy grows increasingly complex, so have corporations.

The Theory of the Firm attempts to explain how and why corporations exist. In its simplest form, corporations exist to maximize profits. As the economy grows increasingly complex, so have corporations. How should the Theory of the Firm and Agency Costs impact our decision-making? Discuss agency problems with the help of some real-life examples (eg. […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

impact of Right to Work laws on unions

Please draft a 3-5 page research paper (not including the cover and references pages) on current trends or “hot topics” in unionizing. You can focus on any of the topics addressed in Week 5 and 6, including but not limited to: successful and failed attempts at unionizing in big tech (Google, Amazon, Kickstarter, etc.) or […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

As Steven Covey suggests, “Begin with the end in mind.” That’s the long and short of D1. The define discipline is the first and probably the most important as without direction we have nothing to train nor develop. Defining business outcomes asks the question “What is the direction of the performance?”

How Do You D1? As Steven Covey suggests, “Begin with the end in mind.” That’s the long and short of D1. The define discipline is the first and probably the most important as without direction we have nothing to train nor develop. Defining business outcomes asks the question “What is the direction of the performance?” […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022