Business and Management

What motivates employees can be confusing, especially in a global context

What motivates employees can be confusing, especially in a global context. Knowing what motivates your employees can make or break your business. Consider and discuss the following scenario. What would you do? A senior executive at a large global corporation, Maria, struggles to motivate employees in Taipei during training sessions. Maria uses a variety of […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

Develop a business editorial that presents your position on a timely business issue. Support your position with credible references on your topic of interest.

Prompt Develop a business editorial that presents your position on a timely business issue. Support your position with credible references on your topic of interest. Instructions Your paper should be written using APA style and include, at minimum, the following: A clear statement of the issue A thorough discussion of each of the premises Credible, […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

Read the following article: When do Decentralize Decision Making, and When Not To –

In no more than 5 typed, double-spaced pages (title and reference pages not included), address the following. Read the following article: When do Decentralize Decision Making, and When Not To – Prompt: What is your approach to centralizing or decentralizing decision making in a global context in the following scenarios? If you were the […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

Please describe the circumstances of the following case study and recommend which company to purchase. E

Please describe the circumstances of the following case study and recommend which company to purchase. Explain your approach to the problem, perform relevant calculations and analyses, and justify your recommendation. Ensure your work and conclusions are thoroughly supported. Case Study: You work in the mergers and acquisitions department of a large conglomerate who is looking […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

Your newly-hired company president wants to get a quick win with her employees. She tasks you with finding new chairs for all 100 employees in the office (including her and the other C-level employees).

Your newly-hired company president wants to get a quick win with her employees. She tasks you with finding new chairs for all 100 employees in the office (including her and the other C-level employees). Everyone will get the same chair. You ask about a budget, but she just tells you to find something nice. Do […]

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Date: May 21st, 2022

conduct an analysis of your organization with the goal of creating a plan to improve an aspect of your organization’s performance.

Organization Development is a planned change discipline concerned with applying behavioral science knowledge and practice to help organizations achieve greater effectiveness. In this course, you will conduct an analysis of your organization with the goal of creating a plan to improve an aspect of your organization’s performance. Each unit will build on the previous complete […]

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Date: May 20th, 2022