Business and Management

submit a “compare and contrast” analysis of the ethical concepts revealed in the society described in “1984” versus our society today. How many of the situations or conditions in Orwell’s vision have come true—wholly or in part?

submit a “compare and contrast” analysis of the ethical concepts revealed in the society described in “1984” versus our society today. How many of the situations or conditions in Orwell’s vision have come true—wholly or in part? Are any likely to become reality soon? After your “compare/contrast” portion, express any concerns you may have about […]

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Date: May 14th, 2022

Having learned about yourself and about potential employers in the area you are interested in,the next step is to have a deeper understanding of what it is like to work in the industry/companyyou have chosen.

Having learned about yourself and about potential employers in the area you are interested in,the next step is to have a deeper understanding of what it is like to work in the industry/companyyou have chosen. Personal Interview Conduct a personal interview with a highly successful professional working in the field you are interested in. You […]

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Date: May 14th, 2022

Select an existing production organization. Analyze the organization’s current vision, mission, business strategy, operation strategy, supply chain, total quality management, just-in-time philosophy, forecasting method, statistical technique, facility location, work design, project life cycle, and project management.

As the vice president of operations, you have noticed that your organization’s current operations strategy is not supporting the challenges that the organization is presently facing. In order to maintain a competitive edge, you must address these challenges with your chief executive officer immediately. Select an existing production organization. Analyze the organization’s current vision, mission, […]

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Date: May 14th, 2022

Explain the process of environmental assessment that is involved in strategy formulation. What are the major international forces and variables to consider in the scanning process?

Question 1: Explain the process of environmental assessment that is involved in strategy formulation. What are the major international forces and variables to consider in the scanning process? Feel free to use an example to respond to this question. Question 2: (a) Identify and briefly describe a recent case in which a famous company’s strategy […]

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Date: May 14th, 2022

. Looking into AI interactive marketing experience in online, multichannel, and omnichannel activities. How is AI used for brand management and understanding consumer sentiments?

. Looking into AI interactive marketing experience in online, multichannel, and omnichannel activities. How is AI used for brand management and understanding consumer sentiments? What are emerging issues and newly developed applications associated with the rapidly expanding field of AI in the context of interactive marketing? How to develop cost-effective AI-enabled marketing strategies? How to […]

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Date: May 14th, 2022